The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven Wrapper, version 3.3.0

The Maven Wrapper is an easy way to ensure a user of your Maven build has
everything necessary to run your Maven build.

See for instructions on how to use Maven

You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:

Release Notes - Maven Wrapper - Version 3.3.0

** Bug
    * [MWRAPPER-86] - Trim trailing slash in Repo URL
    * [MWRAPPER-103] - Failed to validate Maven Wrapper SHA-256 on Windows
    * [MWRAPPER-108] - mvnw script fails silently when download fails
    * [MWRAPPER-112] - Detection of JAVA_HOME fails due to bad quoting
    * [MWRAPPER-113] - Error and warning output goes to standard output and
intermingles with Maven output
    * [MWRAPPER-120] - Maven wrapper plugin should not create wrapperUrl
property for script-only mode
    * [MWRAPPER-123] - only-mvnw fails on ksh printf implementations
    * [MWRAPPER-131] - Downloader downloads directly into target file
** Improvement
    * [MWRAPPER-70] - Don't require a pom.xml
    * [MWRAPPER-104] - Add prettier config for shell scripts
    * [MWRAPPER-124] - MavenWrapperDownloader uses new URL(String), which
is deprecated in Java 21
    * [MWRAPPER-125] - Make "only-script" the default wrapper
** Task
    * [MWRAPPER-128] - Remove legacy
    * [MWRAPPER-129] - Set plugin prerequisite to Maven 3.6.3
** Dependency upgrade
    * [MWRAPPER-100] - Declare needed dependencies
    * [MWRAPPER-115] - Bump org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver from 4.6.2
to 4.9.1
    * [MWRAPPER-118] - Bump org.codehaus.mojo:mrm-maven-plugin from 1.5.0
to 1.6.0
    * [MWRAPPER-119] - Upgrade Parent to 41
    * [MWRAPPER-126] - Upgrade org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver to 4.9.2
    * [MWRAPPER-127] - Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.16.0 to 2.16.1
    * [MWRAPPER-130] - Use Maven parent 42

-The Apache Maven team

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