The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the
Maven Deploy Plugin 3.1.0!

You should specify the version in your project's POM:


Release Notes - Maven Deploy Plugin - Version 3.1.0

** Bug
    * [MDEPLOY-200] - deployAtEnd fails if the last project to build skip
    * [MDEPLOY-204] - Must deploy maven-metadata.xml last
    * [MDEPLOY-224] - Overriding deployAtEnd fails
    * [MDEPLOY-225] - DeployAtEnd fails when overriding skip
    * [MDEPLOY-226] - DeployAtEnd fails when module has extension
    * [MDEPLOY-305] - Improvement in DeployAtEnd
** New Feature
    * [MDEPLOY-206] - Support parallel deployment at end (needs resolver
changes as well)
    * [MDEPLOY-272] - Add skip capability to deploy-file goal
** Task
    * [MDEPLOY-282] - Revert MDEPLOY-231
    * [MDEPLOY-292] - Require Java 8
    * [MDEPLOY-303] - Refresh download page
    * [MDEPLOY-304] - Clean up ITs

Have fun,
-The Apache Maven team

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