Apache Buildr is a build system for Java-based applications, including support
for Scala, Groovy and a growing number of JVM languages and tools.  We wanted
something that's simple and intuitive to use, so we only need to tell it what
to do, and it takes care of the rest.  But also something we can easily extend
for those one-off tasks, with a language that's a joy to use.

New in this release:

 * Change: Update RJB to 1.5.4
 * Change: Update rubyzip to 1.2.0
 * Change: Update hoe to 3.15.0
 * Change: Update net-ssh to 3.1.1
 * Change: Update json_pure to 1.8.3
 * Change: Update diff-lcs to 1.2.5
 * Change: Update xml-simple to 1.1.5
 * Change: Update jekyll to 3.1.3
 * Change: Update rdoc to 4.2.2
 * Change: Update ecj to 4.5.1
 * Change: Added jekyll-textile-converter 0.1.0 to generate the site.
 * Change: Move to default on Scala 2.11.
 * Change: Remove Buildr::Project#on_define, deprecated in 1.3
 * Change: Remove JavaWrapper, deprecated in 1.3
 * Change: Remove JUnit::REQUIRES, deprecated in 1.3.3
 * Change: Remove TestNG::REQUIRES, deprecated in 1.3.3
 * Change: Remove Buildr::Ant::REQUIRES, deprecated in version 1.3.3
 * Change: Remove Buildr::CompileTask#classpath, deprecated in version 1.3
 * Change: Remove Buildr::TestTask responding to :using with 
.using('foo','bar'), deprecated in version 1.3
 * Change: Remove addon/buildr/cobertura.rb, deprecated since 1.3.4
 * Change: Remove addon/buildr/emma.rb, deprecated since 1.3.4
 * Change: Remove support for Rakefile/rakefile, deprecated.
 * Change: Remove project#target, project#reports, deprecated.
 * Change: Remove JBehave::REQUIRES, deprecated.
 * Change: Remove JMock::REQUIRES, deprecated.
 * Change: Remove ScalaCheck::REQUIRES, deprecated.
 * Change: Change Eclipse Scala project natures from 
ch.epfl.lamp.sdt.core.scalanature to org.scala-ide.sdt.core.scalanature
 * Change: Fix the custom Google search widget on the website.
 * Change: BUILDR-722 Remove links and image of the buildr book from the 
 * Added:  Travis badge to README.rdoc
 * Added:  Added Rubygems badges to README.rdoc
 * Added:  BUILDR-577 Allow remote repo to be added with http basic auth 
support. Submitted by Michael Guymon.
 * Added:  BUILDR-523 Issue a warning when Java.classpath is modified after 
Java.load has happened
 * Added:  BUILDR-594 Added support for changing the verification mode of SSL 
 * Added:  BUILDR-595 Added support to providing custom SSL certificates
 * Added:  BUILDR-572 Allow to upload unique version (timestamp based) snapshot 
artifacts to a repository. Submitted by Brice Figureau.
 * Fixed:  BUILDR-207 remove 'Skipping tests' messages
 * Added:  BUILDR-703 release: allow THIS_VERSION to be defined in another file
 * Fixed:  BUILDR-674 Artifacts with bundle extension cannot be downloaded by 
 * Fixed:  BUILDR-565 resources are not included in the war if defined after 
package call
 * Fixed:  BUILDR-621 ZipTask creates zip file with entries not sorted by path 
causing very slow unzipping.
 * Fixed:  BUILDR-695 transitive doesn't support ${project.parent.version} in 
 * Fixed:  BUILDR-653 Using Eclipse compiler (ECJ)
 * Fixed:  BUILDR-476 Buildr doesn't respect company repository manager
 * Fixed:  BUILDR-454 Definition-level parent-child references-by-name fail in 
1.4.0 but not in 1.3.5. Submitted by Rhett Sutphin.
 * Fixed:  BUILDR-620 resources.filter should not run on non-text files
 * Fixed:  BUILDR-489 Java + Scala joint compiler fails if default encoding and 
source file encoding are not same and special characters have been used in 
source code
 * Fixed:  BUILDR-486 Buildr-generated poms should include dependencies
 * Fixed:  BUILDR-723 JavaTestFilter is unable to parse paths containing %2F
 * Change: Update the custom_pom addon to generate poms with exclusions section 
that excludes
           all transitive dependencies. This is required as buildr dependencies 
are not
           transitive while Maven's dependencies are transitive by default.
 * Change: Remove the BND aqute maven repository, as it was decomissioned. Use 
Maven Central instead.

To learn more about Buildr and get started:
http://buildr.apache.org/ <http://buildr.apache.org/>

The Apache Buildr Team

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