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Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 20:30:45 -0400
Reply-To: "Progressive News & Views [since 82]"
Subject: [PNEWS] The nuclear threat: Pakistan could lose control of its    
             arsenal              (from The London Times)

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From: Jim Farmelant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


The nuclear threat

Pakistan could lose control of its arsenal


West's worst scenario

A LEADING authority on Pakistans nuclear programme has given warning of a
nightmare scenario in which a destabilised Pakistan lost control of its
nuclear weapons to supporters of the Taleban.  Any military action against
Muslim terrorists within Afghanistan will have to take account of that,
said George Perkovich, a nuclear weapons expert at the W. Alton Jones
Foundation in Charlottesville, Virginia, who has specialised in the
nuclear arms race between India and Pakistan.

He dismissed any prospect that the present Government of Pakistan would
use its nuclear armoury, but said that questions about the security of the
weapons should be high on the agenda of the military planners.

My guess would be that the US and the UK are thinking about that now, Mr
Perkovich said. If things go wrong, what do we do? Do we send commandos
in to get the weapons and take them out in helicopters, like the last days
in Saigon? Has this even been discussed with the Pakistanis? Militarily,
Pakistan's nuclear weapons are its crown jewels, but valuable as they
may be for asserting national pride in the rivalry with India, they are of
little use in the awkward diplomatic situation the Pakistani Government
now faces.

Mr Perkovich said that Pakistan has about two to three dozen potential
nuclear weapons, all based on highly enriched uranium. Tests carried out
in 1998 demonstrated that they work.  Pakistan also has medium-range
missiles capable of reaching targets in India, if no farther afield.

In normal times, they keep the warheads separate from the missiles, he
said, and the fissile uranium the core of the weapon is not kept in
the warhead, which consists of electronics and high explosives, but
doesn't have the fissile core in it. It's all dressed up and nowhere to

Assuming this is still true, it would make it much harder for those
unfamiliar with the system to assemble the weapon and make it work.

The fissile core, about the size of a melon and weighing up to 66lb, can
be sub-divided into segments that can be stored separately. So the entire
weapon can be split into components that in themselves are innocuous.

So what we have are a range of different components, with different
groups controlling them, he said. Each part is well guarded and they
have taken great care to assess the reliability and security of the

In addition to having the weapons disassembled and safely stored, he said
that the Pakistanis will have given thought to how they would be evacuated
in an emergency.

The most worrisome thing is the fissile core. That's easily moveable,
which is both g ood and bad. It's bad because Saddam Hussein could make a
bid for it, good because it means it could be put on a helicopter and
taken out of harm's way.

He believes that changes in organisation this year make it clear that
grown-ups in Pakistan are trying to make the whole system orderly and
under control. The integration of two competing teams, both run by
egomaniacs, into a single organisation, he says, is a good sign.

Until then, both and missile development were split between the A. Q. Khan
Research Laboratories (KRL) named after Abdul Qadeer Khan, self-proclaimed
father of the Pakistani bomb and the Pakistan Atomic Energy Organisation
(PAEC), led by Asfad Ahmad Khan.

When both were retired in March, the move was attacked by Narwaz Sharif,
the former Prime Minister, as a hideous conspiracy designed to roll back
the nuclear programme and weaken the country. He called on people to rise
up and thwart the conspiracy. In fact, there was little public reaction.

On Tuesday Dr Khan went out of his way to reassure people about the
weapons security. Thousands of people are involved in the supervision
who discharge their duty as a sacred mission and the masses should not
worry about the security of the nuclear installation, he told reporters
after assuming the duties of patron-in-chief of his old laboratory.

While rivalry existed between the two men and their respective
laboratories, Pakistan had an internal arms race, which accelerated its
acquisition of nuclear weapons and delivery systems, though at enormous

By retiring both men, President Musharraf demonstrated his intention to
control nuclear development more tightly, but there are others in the
Pakistani military who are closer to the fundamentalists, and the danger
of overstretching Pakistani g oodwill is that it will hand the initiative
to them.

For General Musharraf, the opportunity to help the Americans carries
opportunities as well as dangers. He may be able to use it to reduce or
remove the sanctions Washington imposed after the nuclear tests.

The United States is going to have to show the people in Pakistan that
its good to be in a good relationship with the United States, Senator
Sam Brownback,a Republican member of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, said.

The last time that was true was in the 1980s, when Pakistani help was
vital in helping the Afghans to evict the Russians from their country. Now
the wheel has turned and American aid could start flowing towards
Islamabad again.

Copyright 2001 Times Newspapers Ltd. This service is provided on Times
Newspapers' standard terms and conditions. To inquire about a licence to
reproduce material from The Times, visit the Syndication website.

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