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 Dennis Bernstein w US House Rep Barbara Lee (her email).. Barbara was the lone congressperson to vote against war.. Barbara: I was in the Capitol that morning, meeting with.. about assistance for small business.. in the dining room of the Capitol.. someone screamed.. we turned on the TV.. we could not believe it.. all our phones were dead.. (discussion).. (about her vote).. people are very angry right now.. I had to look into my conscience, deal with my intellect.. secure the future for our children.. very very scarey, (this legislation).. the use of restraint makes sense.. we had a five hour debate on this.. going to war, a five hour debate.. it does democracy a disservice.. we can not respond in a conventional way.. as a responsible member of Congress. I have received thousands and thousands of calls and emails.. thank you very much.. a critical junction in our history.. thank you for your trust.. a very serious historical moment, how we respond will determine the future of our planet.. Dennis: thank you.. Gandhi: “an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind..”



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