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----- Original Message ----- 
From: NY Transfer News 
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 3:35 PM
Subject: [CubaNews] Codename embarrassment

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

source - MichaelP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[If it is still possible to howl at the President Select and his
bone-headed administration, perhaps there is still hope.

The intellectual quality and level of cultural propaganda packaging
in this Crusade indicates they are going to get slaughtered -- no
doubt about it.

The ultimate absurdity of Muslims giving the US Government opinions
on what is and is not "blasphemous" in its choice of War Titles
(and the US government making hasty retreats from their messy faux
pas) needs no comment.

You can't drop napalm and white phosphorous on Third World children
without conducting a good series of Focus Groups. What can Baby Bush
be thinking?]

GUARDIAN (London), Friday September 21, 2001
by Julian Borger

Codename embarrassment

Washington, Sept 21--An embarrassed Pentagon yesterday was forced to
rethink its choice of codename for the war on terrorism declared by
President Bush after Muslims complained that the name Infinite
Justice was blasphemous.

The defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, distanced himself from the
offending phrase, saying it had been thought up by "someone,
somewhere", but doubting it would last.

He said: "Obviously, the United States does not want to do or say
things that create an impression on the part of the listener that
would be a misunderstanding."

A White House official said it was likely the name would be withdrawn
after complaints from "Muslim clerics" that infinite justice could
only be provided by God, not the US government.

The name was leaked on Wednesday night, as details emerged of
deployments of US air power to the Gulf - the most visible sign so
far of the military build-up ahead of a conflict whose protagonists
and aims remained unclear yesterday.

Nihad Awad, the head of the Council on American Islamic Relations,

"When it is translated to some concepts in Arabic, it refers to
something that belongs to God and that could cause some
misunderstanding between the United States and some Muslim countries.
So it would be wise to withdraw the term."

Previously, President Bush drew criticism by his use of the word

for the anti-terrorist campaign, as for Muslims the medieval crusades
were still thought of with horror.

Some US commentators also criticised the word infinite. The liberal
online magazine said Americans were "looking for some
reassurance that the conflict we face is not infinite - that Bush's
team can define a reasonable set of achievable objectives so we can
declare victory some time in our lifetimes, preferably sometime

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