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----- Original Message ----- 
From: NY Transfer News 
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 11:44 AM
Subject: [CubaNews] The Terror Crusade: A Giant Case of PTSD

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Now officials are now concerned that the sea wall underneath the
smoking ruins of the Trade Center might collapse, flooding the subway
tunnels and perhaps causing a new wave of casualties. 

The clean-up and recovery crews are having trouble dealing with the
grisly reality of mammoth destruction and mass death. Even the fire
dept personnel and the cops are overwhelmed. Civilian construction
crews aren't trained for this sort of thing. New York City is
functioning at a slow limp, with major roadways partially closed.
Moving roadblocks and security checks slowing down everything.

The Feds are extremely worried about a second strike -- to water
supplies, nuclear plants, and large gatherings like the memorial for
the WTC victims. They admit they have no idea what to expect.

The economy, in trouble before September 11, is in a complete

Much of the population is in a horrified, grief-stricken trance of
fear. They "can't believe it happened here." Some people are numb,
others enraged. Everyone is irrational.

Knowing nothing about their government's real foreign policy, they
are astounded that their country isn't loved the way a "beacon of
freedom" should be loved. Their "defense" department failed to defend
them. Their "intelligence" agencies don't seem to have any

They have barely begun to comprehend that this isn't just another
video game. They seek answers and the comfort of certainty after the
strikes of September 11th.  But rather than steady leadership,
they get... Flags.  "Wanted Dead or Alive." The Imbeciles' Crusade at
the OK Corral.

The Feds say there will be NO release of intelligence information,
and immediately the press is filled with contradictory leaks and
rumors from 'sources close to the investigation.' 

A reassuring official announcement that the hijackers have been
identified turns out to be premature -- another FBI blunder.

They are told the economy is strong, but the stock market is diving
and thousands of jobs disappear overnight.

They are told to prepare for a long war, with many casualties.  But
they don't know who the Enemy is. Rumsfeld says the Prime Suspect is 
not the only Enemy. There are many more (but who)? In many countries

George says, "If you aren't with me, you're with the Terrorists." But
no one seems to knows who the Terrorists are.

The nation has a whopping case of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The treatment of choice is not more trauma, more violence, more
chaos and death. But that's just what the doctor ordered - a recipe
for madness and self-destruction. Welcome to the Terror Crusade.

Thursday September 20 04:26 PM EDT 

Sea Wall Below WTC Is Shaky; Security Fears Stalk New York


A new worry is hampering rescue and recovery operations in the
still-smoldering ruins of New York's World Trade Center: the possible
collapse of a sea wall below the site.

Forty U.S. senators toured the still-smoldering ruins of New York's
World Trade Center today as rescue and recovery workers worried over
a new threat -- the possible collapse of an underground sea wall
built to provide a stable base before the towers were erected.

"From the outside it looks structurally sound," New York City Mayor
Rudolph Giuliani said. "But we don't know what it looks like from the
inside, and that's the concern."

Amid those concerns and the ongoing search for survivors, complicated
again today by rain, Giuliani led the senators through the debris and
muck at ground zero.

"I'm from a part of the country that has been hit by hurricanes
repeatedly," said Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss. "But I
must say, I've never seen anything comparable to what we have seen
here today, the magnitude of it and the horror of it."

Fear of Instability

The twin towers rose 110 stories, but also went 70 feet into the
bedrock below, with a 3-foot-thick concrete wall acting like an
underground dam against New York Harbor water seeping through
surrounding landfill.

Recovery experts fear rubble and debris may be all that is holding
the walls of that underground structure in place.

If the material is not removed carefully, it could send water from
the harbor into the space, and possibly into nearby subway tunnels
that run under where the Trade Center buildings stood before two
hijacked planes slammed into the twin towers on Sept. 11.

"We have to proceed very, very carefully," Giuliani said.

Still Hoping, Despite Long Odds

Searchers still were unwilling to give up hope survivors might be

"After every move is made the fire department is looking for any
voids during their searches and rescue attempts along with our moves
to move debris for them to be able to move around," said Francis
Leisure, a fireman from St. Louis.

But as the search enters its ninth day, those on the site acknowledge
the odds are against them.

"We're obviously extremely disappointed that we haven't been able to
recover anyone alive since last Wednesday, I believe," Giuliani said
this morning. "We're realistic about that. We understand what that
means in terms of the chances."

There are 5,422 people missing in the World Trade Center attacks,
with 233 of them confirmed dead. Officials have identified 170,
including 37 police officers, 32 firefighters, two emergency medical
technicians, two Port Authority employees and one New Jersey
firefighter. According to city officials' latest estimates, 60 police
officers and more than 300 firefighters are among the missing.

Crews have removed 60,000 tons of debris from the site, but an
estimated 1 million to 2 million tons remain, and officials say it
will take at least six months to clear it all.

As tall cranes lift pieces from the mountain of steel and concrete,
specially trained search dogs make their way through the rubble. Much
of the smoke has cleared at the surface, but fires continue to burn
below. Today's rain was making the search even harder.

Funerals and Memorials for Grief-Stricken City

Hundreds of trucks take the material to a landfill on Staten Island,
where it is dumped and sorted.

"You try not to think what you're carrying. You know you gotta go,
get loaded, dump and come back and just keep moving," said truck
driver Benny Cucia, as he worked an 18-hour shift at the site.

"It's going to hit me one day. You get teary-eyed and stuff," he
said. "It's hard."

While rescue efforts continue, eight separate funerals for eight New
York firefighters were being held today.

City officials announced that a weekend memorial originally planned
in New York's Central Park for fallen firefighters and police
officers Sunday will instead be held at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx
at 3 p.m.

Giuliani said the memorial in Central Park, which was expected to
draw up to 1 million people, was canceled due to security concerns.
The ceremony at Yankee Stadium will only allow 60,000 mourners.
Admission will be by ticket only, and will be limited to people who
have suffered direct losses.

  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems
            Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us 
                339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012                  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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