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A Serb Woman Killed in Kosovo

PRISTINA, Sep 20, 2001 -- (Agence France Presse) A
Serb woman was killed late Wednesday near the town of
Urosevac in southern Kosovo and her suspected killer
arrested, a spokesman for the UN Mission in Kosovo
(UNMIK) said Thursday.

"Sladjana Bungul, 37, married to an (ethnic) Albanian,
was found dead hit on the head with axe," Andrea
Angeli told AFP.

He added that a 38-year old Kosovo Albanian had been
arrested immediately afterwards by UNMIK police on
suspicion of having committed the crime.

Bungul was killed in Dranjak, a village 12 kilometers
(seven miles) away from Urosevac.

The Serb minority in Kosovo has been regularly
targeted by ethnic Albanian extremists since the
province came under international protection in June
1999. ((c) 2001 Agence France Presse) 

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