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Try not to throw up at this. Butcher Blair's hypocrisy is unbelievable. This
is a man responsible for the deaths of thousands of people and for
encouraging terrorists world wide. The, I hesitate to call him a man, is

Wednesday, 19 September, 2001, 13:11 GMT 14:11 UK 
Tony Blair interview: transcript in full
UK Prime Minister Tony Blair was interviewed on BBC's World Service's
Newshour on Tuesday about the UK's role following last week's terror attacks
in the US. Here is the transcript of the interview in full. 
Alex Brodie: Is Osama Bin Laden your prime suspect? 
Tony Blair: He is the prime suspect. 
We are still assembling the evidence and we have said we will do so in a
careful and measured way. 
But we've known for some time of his activities and those of his associates,
that have been designed to spread terror around the world that are I believe
fundamentally contrary to the basic teachings of Islam. 
And in respect of this particular incident there's no doubt at all - as both
ourselves and President have said - he is the prime suspect. 
AB: Him alone or anybody else? 
TB: Well, when we assemble the evidence finally, we will present it to
But as we have said he is the prime suspect. 
AB: Have you seen evidence yourself? 
TB: Yes of course, all the time we are going through evidence that comes to
us from various sources and what is important, as I said the other day, is
that when we proceed, we proceed on the basis of a hard-headed assessment of
that evidence. 
But I think, people are still taking in the enormity of what happened last
Thousands of people killed in the worst terrorist incident of all time. 
This was the worst terrorist incident in respect of British citizens -
incidentally 200 - 300 killed - since World War II. 
When you think that Britain went through the Blitz when we were under attack
- day in day out - for several years and we lost just over 20,000 of our
Here were 5,000 or more murdered, literally, in a day and I think some
impression is given of just how serious this is. 
Let's be quite clear as well, the thing that we have to confront and the
reason why we have to take action against this apparatus of terrorism at
every level, is that if these people were able to kill more people they
The only limits on their actions are not moral in any sense at all - they
are practical or technical. 
AB: Is it Osama Bin Laden who you have the evidence against that he was
actively involved in planning what happened in the United States or is it
just that you have evidence that he has set up a network? 
TB: Well Alex, when we are in a position to put evidence before people, we
will put it before them then. 
What we have said so far, because people have asked us and it's right
because this is where the evidence tends, that he is the prime suspect. 
AB: Anybody else? 
TB: There may be various other people but that is a matter that we can deal
with when we come to present the evidence fully? 
AB: And do you know where he is? 
TB: We know that he is in Afghanistan. 
We know the various places that he has been. 
But it is important that other people co-operate with us in ensuring that he
is brought to justice and this is a situation in which those who have been
harbouring him or helping him have a very simple choice. 
They either cease the protection of Bin Laden or they will be treated as
people helping him. 
AB: This is echoing what George Bush said isn't it about how we will go not
just for the perpetrators but for those who harbour him - and you are
talking about the Taleban? 
TB: Well, for all those people who have been in a position where they have
been helping or harbouring terrorism - the way that it operates, camps that
are dedicated to training people in it. 
These are people trained in these camps who go out and basically wreak havoc
wherever they can, killing many, many innocent people. 
And although what happened last week is obviously an atrocity almost beyond
our imagination, it is not an isolated incident - in that sense, there has
been a history going back over several years. 
Now you mention the Taleban - the Taleban have a very clear choice - the
Taleban either cease to help or harbour those that are fermenting terrorism
or they will be treated as part of the terrorist apparatus themselves. 
Now they have that choice and they should consider very, very carefully the
consequences that they face at this moment of choice. 
AB: If they don't give him up, what are those consequences? 
TB: Those are the consequences again that we will consider and we will
announce the appropriate response when we have made up our minds. 
AB: So what you are looking for the Taleban to do now, is to say - you can
have him we will extradite him, we will give him up. 
TB: We are looking for the Taleban to co-operate on the basis of the
evidence that we present - co-operate and make sure that the person that is
identified as the prime suspect and his associates are yielded up to
Now that is not all however, it is also important that the whole of that
network of training people for terrorist acts around the world is closed
Indeed, that should happen irrespective.. 
[interrupted by interviewer] 
AB: But that network is broader than Afghanistan isn't it? 
I mean we hear all the time about how there are training camps set up in
something like 30 different countries. 
Hasn't it gone beyond Bin Laden? 
TB: Of course it certainly does not stop with Bin Laden or with what has
happened in Afghanistan. 
But the immediate issue, if, as seems likely, he is identified as the person
responsible and those associated with them are therefore identified as
responsible, that is the immediate response that we must make. 
But there are always two strands to this. 
Right from the very beginning I have said there will be two different parts
of the agenda that the international community must take on board and act
The first is the immediate response in respect of those responsible for this
The second is then to develop an agenda at the international level in
respect of international terrorism generally - how it is financed, where it
operates from, how it moves its people around, how it makes use of some of
the mechanisms that operate in all our countries - the bank accounts, the
way that they acquire weapons - the whole panoply of that terrorist machine
whose full potential to devastate and damage we have now seen - all of that
we must pursue at an international level. 
AB: But we knew this was happening didn't we before the terrible events in
the United States? 
Surely an international network along the lines of an international
crime-fighting network already existed didn't it? 
And if not isn't it a bit late now? 
TB: Well I think you make a fair point in this sense that this has brought
home to us the urgency of the situation. 
Now in fact some of us have been saying for some time this is a real issue
that we need to be concerned about. 
And, as I said in the House of Commons a few days ago, if these could
acquire chemical, biological or nuclear weapons capability, they would. 
And I say, there's no limit on what they would do if they had the technical
capability to do it. 
 <<...>>  The attack on it [the United States] was an attack on the
civilised world and the ability of people to go about their business free
from this menace of terror <<...>>      
Now right round the world - and this is why I think that the coalition of
countries coming together and they include - I mean I have spoken in the
last few days, I have spoken to not just obviously the American President
and our American allies, I have to the French President, the German
I spoke to the President of China today, I spoke to the Russian President. 
I have spoken to friends in Europe, friends in Asia, friends right round the
world and Arab leaders as well. 
And all of them recognise the need to put together the strongest possible
international coalition to fight this menace of terrorism. 
And that coalition, I believe, is strengthening incidentally. 
The interesting thing that is happening is that often in these situations
when they first occur there is a deep sense of shock and concern and then
there is sense - well people relax a little bit and the strength of feeling
diminishes somewhat. 
I don't think that's happened at all. 
I think the strength of feeling is gathering momentum. 
And I certainly notice, and again I met African leaders today, that right
round the world people recognise that we have to stand in solidarity with
the United States - not simply because it's the United States but because
the attack on it was an attack on the civilised world and the ability of
people to go about their business free from this menace of terror. 
AB: You mention bringing Osama Bin Laden to justice - whose justice? 
Are we looking - are you discussing something on the lines of Lockerbie? 
Are you discussing something along the lines of an international court? 
Taleban leaders are reported to have talked about an international court
with a Muslim judge. 
Is this the sort of thing that you're considering with Mr Bush? 
TB: All the issues connected with this will obviously be considered and
deliberated upon. 
We will announce our conclusions of that at the appropriate time. 
Forgive me, one the problems in doing interviews at this moment in time is
that there are certain questions that we will answer at a later time when it
is appropriate. 
AB: You have written in the Urdu language newspaper Daily Jang. 
You've made various remarks which are intended to say this is not a war -
this is not a campaign against Islam. 
Isn't the rhetoric giving the lie to that when we talk about war, when we
talk about crusades, when we talk about the defence of civilisation. 
There are many Muslims around the world who feel that they are being painted
as barbarians. 
TB: But they're not and I have gone out of my way - as indeed has President
Bush and others - to stress that we know that the vast majority of Muslims
are decent law-abiding people. 
The doctrine and teachings of Islam are those of peace and harmony. 
I read the Koran - the god of the Koran is merciful and forgiving. 
It is a whole teaching dedicated to building peace in the world and
therefore those people who've committed this atrocity, they no more
represent the true spirit of Islam than does the Protestant or Catholic on
the streets of Northern Ireland that murders someone of the opposite part of
the Christian religion, represent the true spirit of Christianity. 
AB: Indeed. But misguided though they may be, you do have to accept don't
you that there are many, many people around the world - many Muslims around
the world who see Osama Bin Laden as a hero. 
TB: There may be those - I don't think they're very many - who do. 
But it is our task, along with moderate Muslim and Arab opinion to say that
is not what the teaching of Islam is about. 
And what is necessary to do is to build that coalition very much with Muslim
and Arab opinion with us. Because there are Muslims who will have died in
that appalling attack. 
AB: Indeed. But words are being thrown around like 'crusade'. 
I mean if there is one word that is calculated to send the wrong message to
the Muslim world it is surely crusade. 
TB: Yes. But I think that people understand. 
It's like when people say to you - are you at war in this situation. 
With the people that have committed this atrocity - of course we are at war.

But the important thing is what we do and how we do it. 
Now I also think that there is a sense in which people understand that we
need to, for example, give fresh impetus to the Middle East peace process. 
Now today for the first time in several weeks there were certain small
glimmers of hope - small glimmers they were, yes - but they were there. 
Now I think that we must use this as an opportunity to push that process
forward and to recognise that yes of course there are situations where
people feel deeply about injustices that they've perceived that have been
done to them and we have to respond to that as well. 
I think that that will allow us better then to build that strong coalition
of support to go after the people that have committed an act of terrorism
that I don't think that any serious, sensible, decent, moral person could
possibly contemplate or justify. 
AB: King Abdullah of Jordan said that if Washington had resolved the
problems in the Middle East - especially the Palestinian/Israeli conflict,
then these attacks would not have happened. Do you agree? 
TB: I believe that these attacks were a long time in the planning, I have to
And I also believe that the extremists, the fanatics that carried out these
attacks, frankly they're the enemies of the peace process. 
I mean these people don't want peace anymore than, for example, those
dissident Republicans who blew up people at Omagh, want peace in Northern
What I find - and we have experience of the peace process here in Britain
and in the United Kingdom through the Northern Ireland situation - what I
find is that in fact it is fanatics on either side who want to disrupt the
peace process and the important thing is always to keep that process moving
forward because it's when there's a vacuum that the extremists move in with
their violence and their terrorism. 
AB: But it's a matter of perception isn't it? 
It is a matter of how things are perceived, particularly in the Muslim
I mean the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is a hub of resentment that enables
people like Osama Bin Laden to garnish support. 
TB: Well of course they do try and exploit the sense of grievance or
But that's why it's important to say, no there is a better way of addressing
the grievance of injustice and that is through a process that leads to a
stable and lasting peace. 
And again here I find a very great sense of community of spirit and of
purpose right across the world. 
AB: Now I know you don't want to talk about what comes next in terms of
military - obviously one wouldn't expect you to. 
But do you rule anything out? 
TB: Well it is important we start with the simple objective to bring those
responsible to account now. 
Questions of what you rule in and rule out are simply not appropriate at
this stage. 
Because when we've decided finally these are the people responsible, we then
decide the appropriate response and that's what we'll do. 
AB: But is there ... I mean do you rule out getting involved in a military
operation for instance to Afghanistan? 
TB: Well, as I say, all these questions will be decided at the right time
and announced at the right time. 
I think it's important at the moment that people understand two things: one
that we're proceeding and the United States is proceeding in a measured way.

A lot of people might have expected the United States to have lashed out -
to have acted first and thought afterwards - they haven't done that and it's
to the great credit of President Bush that he has proceeded in that way,
that's the first thing. 
But the second thing nobody should be in any doubt of is our total and
complete determination to do what is necessary in order to bring to justice
those who perpetrated this crime. 
AB: One cannot help but notice the sheer weight of the number of contacts
that you yourself have made in the last few days around the world. 
Are you doing this on your own behalf or are you doing this on Mr Bush's
Or are you somehow being a bridge? 
TB: I regard this as very much a situation in which we are standing side by
side with the United States and with the rest of the civilised world. 
So, it is not a question of doing it on America's behalf or anyone else's
It is important that we establish the most clear and strong basis of
understanding right across the international community for what has happened
and what we need to do in order to bring to account those responsible. 
I have been both struck and heartened by the degree of consensus that exists
I think that people really understand this is a new phenomenon - not in the
sense there haven't been fanatics in our history before - but in the sense
that we live in a world today where fanatics, if they're able to, can get
their technical capability to wreak the most terrible damage on wholly
innocent people. 
AB: Do you think that the Americans want to do this with everybody else? 
Do they actually want to build a coalition or is this window dressing? 
TB: No, I've not doubt at all that they want the broadest possible basis of
And for America, faced with a situation of which this terrible, terrible
crime has been committed against them - for America, it is a moment at which
they look at the rest of world - look at it and ask the question: are you
standing with us at this time of trial for us or are you not? 
And I think they are right to ask that question and I think - not because
they're America but because of the nature of the event that has been
committed against them - we the rest of the world have got to say we do
stand with you - you know, we all have a common cause. 
Because be in no doubt at all, if we allow this apparatus of terror to go
unchecked and to grow, America was a casualty in that terrible event last
week - but they could come to Britain, they could go to France, to Germany,
to Arab states. 
When I met the President of Tanzania this morning, he was describing to me
devastation that had been caused by those acts of terrorism in his country. 
So this is the situation in which we stand together, we stand together
because it is the right thing to do. 
And I regard part of my task, as well as fashioning the right response, to
be part of building a broad coalition for action. 
And I have no doubt at all that America will act because America has to
defend itself in this situation. 
But America will want and should have its allies standing alongside her. 
AB: The intense diplomacy that you are involved in and others are involved
in surrounding this, indicates the danger that everybody believes we are now
in - the world is now in. 
How dangerous do you think it is now? 
TB: I think it is very dangerous if we do not take action and check it
AB: But how dangerous is the action itself? 
TB: I think people will understand if that action is properly measured and
directed against those responsible or those helping those responsible. 
I think people will understand that. 
But I think that the reason why it is dangerous is because: one, these acts
of terrorism have obviously the capacity to do enormous damage and two, the
damage itself can set in train consequences that are then difficult to
govern and to deal with. 
And if I'm right in saying that these groups would if they could get hold of
chemical or biological or nuclear weapons capability, then I think we would
be deeply irresponsible if we didn't take action. 
And the truth is they have been allowed to operate for far too long. 
I mean all of us - I mean we're looking now in Britain at the laws that we
may have to alter or change and the practices we may need to shape in a
different way as a result of what is happening. 
We cannot have a situation where these people, with impunity, are operating
out of our countries, are financing their acts of terrorism, are moving
around freely - are often living, you know, off benefits provided by the
state in various countries around the world and plotting these acts of
It can't be right. And so we, in fact, strengthened our law here
significantly last year with the Terrorism Act and that did make an impact. 
But I think we and other countries have got to look at these things

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