(Mail originally also CC'ed (not BCC'ed) to all GSoC students, but
apertium-stuff rejected it)

Welcome to Apertium!

Some practical information for students (and mentors who may not have seen
it yet).

Firstly, why not BCC in these GDPR/privacy times? For copyright reasons, we
need to be able to tie your contribution to you in a legally sound manner,
and name just isn't enough. But name + email will do, which means your
email will wind up public anyway. As the main packager, I would also prefer
if you disable email protection for your Github accounts as that otherwise
mangles the emails in commit history, but I can work around it if you don't.

If you aren't already, please subscribe to the
https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/apertium-stuff mailing list.
This is where Apertium-wide information is distributed, such as breaking
changes to tools and environments, or your fellow students asking for
community input. If you enable digest mode, don't reply to digest mails -
but it's better to just not enable digest mode.

Personally, I would also prefer everyone also join us on
https://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/IRC but there is no requirement. But for
quick questions IRC is hard to beat. Especially for technical questions
where we prefer to help you in real time.

We have a Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) development server available for everyone to
use, accessible over SSH. This is suitable for heavy processing, or simply
easier collaboration where everyone can see the same files. See
for details.

And at the end of GSoC, I have a helper script that will gather up all your
contributions and make a zip file suitable for uploading to Google. Last
year looked like https://apertium.projectjj.com/gsoc2020/ . All I need to
know is your Github username and repositories to look at for each of you.

-- Tino Didriksen
Apertium-stuff mailing list

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