Here in Central Virginia this year we rotated Calypso with Carbaryl as
populations settled in to our blocks. It worked great.

On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 1:10 PM, David Kollas <> wrote:

>         This past season I had continued re-infestation of potato
> leafhopper in young unbudded apple rootstock nursery. Calypso provided
> control, but only until the next population floated in on air currents,
> presumably from somewhere far south of here (Connecticut).  My question is:
> Are these migrant populations subject to resistance development in the same
> way that local resident insect populations are?
>         Evidently they are not resistant when they arrive, but to remain
> within label limits of product per season, other neonicotinoid products
> might be used to provide continued control.  Is anyone aware of resistance
> having developed in this pest to neonicotinoids or other pesticides where
> the pest does not survive to pass on its resistance to the next generation?
>         Does potato leafhopper migrate within, say, New England states, or
> within other Northern apple-growing regions during a growing season?  If
> so, resistance might become a problem regardless of the pest's
> overwintering ability.
> David Kollas
> Kollas Orchard, CT
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