Interesting article, thanks!

A couple of months ago I watched a documentary that
was on either "Frontline--World" or the "National
Geographic Channel," I can't recall which (sorry)
about the suicide bombings of the Tamil Tigers.  The
Tigers aren't Muslim, they're primarily Hindu with a
Christian minority, and nothing was mentioned about
their families getting paid.  Yet the Tigers have
commited over 200 suicide bombings as compared to the
50-55 for Hamas and The Islamic Jihad combined
 Interestingly, the same article notes that the
terrorist suicide attack is quite old: "The phenomenon
appeared among the Jewish Sicaris in the 1st

According to O.N. Mehrotra at the Institute for
Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, the
violence seems to be the result of the minority Tamils
not being able to get their language accepted as an
official language through non-violent means when the
Sinhalese majority adopted "Sinhala only" as an
official national language in place of English.  "As
the situation became more grim, the frustrated youth
came to believe that they could not achieve any
tangible solution to the problem without adopting
violent means to achieve their cherished goal of
independence" (

Frustration seems to be a powerful motivator. 
Sometimes it's justified, more often it's not, but
that's not the point.  Nor is the point that terrorism
cannot be fruitfully viewed from an economic vantage
point (the first article I referenced also notes that
"in the 1990’s, the Hizballah drastically reduced the
number of suicide attacks due to “rational”
cost-benefit considerations").  Rather I just want to
undermine, to some small extent, the idea that suicide
bombers can be understood in terms of religion or
monetary payoffs.  I suspect that in the case of the
article Mr. Skinner (Crazy Al?) sent along,
frustration at political intransigence
(, for example)
is a more powerful economic variable than 72 dark-eyed
virgins or mom's new apartment.

Thanks for the soapbox,

"...for no one admits that he incurs an obligation to another merely because that 
other has done him no wrong."
-Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy, Discourse 16.

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