
"  NEW YORK John Rawls, 82, the American political
theorist whose work gave new meaning and resonance to
the concepts of justice and liberalism, died Sunday at
his home in Lexington, Massachusetts.
His wife, Margaret, said he had been incapacitated
since suffering a stroke in 1995.
The publication of Rawls's book "A Theory of Justice"
in 1971 was perceived as a watershed moment in modern
philosophy and came at a time of furious national
debate over the Vietnam War and the fight for racial
equality. Not only did it veer from the main current
of philosophical thought, which was logic and
linguistic analysis, it also stimulated a revival of
attention to moral philosophy. Rawls made a
sophisticated argument for a new concept of justice,
based on simple fairness.
Before Rawls, the concept of utilitarianism, meaning
that a society ought to work for the greatest good of
the greatest number of people, held sway as the
standard for social justice. He wrote that this
approach could ride roughshod over the rights of
minorities and meant that the liberty of an individual
was of only secondary importance compared with the
majority's interests.
His new theory began with two principles. The first
was that each individual has a right to the most
extensive basic liberty compatible with the same
liberty for others. The second was that social and
economic inequalities are just only to the extent that
they serve to promote the well-being of the least
But how could people agree to structure a society in
accordance with these two principles? Rawls's response
was to revive the concept of the social contract
developed earlier by thinkers like Thomas Hobbes, John
Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau.
For people to make the necessary decisions to arrive
at the social contract, Rawls introduced the concept
of a "veil of ignorance." This meant that each person
must select rules to live by without knowing whether
he would be prosperous or destitute in the society
governed by the rules he chose. He called this the
"original position."
An individual in the "original position" would choose
the society in which the worst possible position -
which, for all he knows, would be his - was better
than the worst possible position in any other system.
The result, Rawls argued, was that the least fortunate
would be best protected. The lowest rung of society
would be higher. Though inequalities would not be
abolished by favoring the neediest, they would be
minimized, he argued. In later works, Rawls expanded
his arguments to suggest how a pluralistic society
could be just to all its members. His idea was that
the public could reason things out, provided that
comprehensive religious or philosophical doctrines are
avoided. Like Kant, whom he revered, Rawls believed
that as liberal democracies capable of such
reasonableness spread, wars would be avoided.
Eugene Rostow, 89, led agency on arms control in
Reagan era
WASHINGTON:Eugene Rostow, 89, a legal scholar who
helped create Yale Law School's current eminence and
became a vigorous defender of the Vietnam War as a
senior State Department official, died Monday at an
assisted-living residence in Alexandria, Virginia.
Like his more famous younger brother, Walt, who was
President Lyndon Johnson's national security adviser
and an architect of the administration's Vietnam
strategy, Rostow, who served as undersecretary of
state for political affairs, was part of a generation
of hawkish Democrats. Deeply influenced by World War
II, they saw fighting communism in Southeast Asia as
central to a policy of global containment.
The Brooklyn-born son of a Socialist, who named him
for the party's presidential candidate, Eugene Victor
Debs, Rostow exemplified the strain of hard-headed
Democratic thinking on foreign policy and defense that
flowered in the 1960s. He ended his public career as
director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency in
the Reagan administration. He was also an affable and
erudite scholar, with a taste for bow ties and vests,
fine food and wine, who as dean of Yale Law School
from 1955 to 1965 built up its endowment. He was
renowned for recruiting more than a dozen top legal
scholars in 1956, during a period of turmoil at the
school over the lack of promotions for faculty members
who had clerked for liberal justices.(NYT) "

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