Economist Olympics?

2000-09-21 Thread Chris Rasch
Does anyone know if anyone has held an "economist Olympics?" via one of these games (e.g. Sim City)? It seems like it might be a fun tool for evaluating policy proposals. For example, suppose two economists disagreed about the effects of a given policy proposal. To resolve the issue, they

Hard wired economic strategies...

2000-09-29 Thread Chris Rasch,4273,4054474,00.html Cashing in on biology Money problems? Blame evolution, says John L Casti. Some economic strategies are hard-wired John L Casti Guardian Thursday August 24, 2000 How do our concepts of economic exchange arise out of

Re: Software Patents

2000-11-17 Thread Chris Rasch
psa.html Not directly related to software patents, but Hal Varian and Carl Shapiro's book _Information Rules_ may be useful: Hope this helps! Chris Rasch

Patent Quotes

2000-11-17 Thread Chris Rasch
I found a number of anti-patent quotes posted by Gordon Irlam in the Coalition for Networked Information mail archive at Message-Id: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gordon Irlam) Subject: Re: Articles, Books Against

Economic History Services

2000-11-23 Thread Chris Rasch
Just thought I would offer a pointer to, the Economic History Services web server. It has several dozen book reviews, an abstract database, and a number of other useful services. Chris Rasch

How much do firms benefit from noncompete agreements?

2000-11-27 Thread Chris Rasch
Does anyone know of any studies examining how much firms benefit (if any) from non-compete agreements? While doing research on that question, I found this interesting paper: BIASES IN THE INTERPRETATION AND USE OF RESEARCH RESULTS Robert J. MacCoun Richard and Rhoda Goldman School of Public

Re: fairness

2000-12-08 Thread Chris Rasch
Hi Not true. If the audience is randomly distributed, then even a sequential selection of questioners gives everyone an equal chance of being chosen. I admit that it would appear biased, which is important to the audience, but from a purely rational viewpoint, is it helpful to choose

More anti-patent references

2001-01-04 Thread Chris Rasch
THE CASE AGAINST THE PATENT SYSTEM by Pierre Desrochers Senior Research Fellow, Urban Studies, Institute for Policy Studies, Johns Hopkins University "As many psychologists and historians of technology have

Re: More Guns, Less Crime?

2001-01-20 Thread Chris Rasch
Hi Pierre, I don't see how the incentives of government, public-health bureaucrats, or the way they are selected, makes them more impartial. The EPA's manipulation of evidence in the secondhand-smoke case illustrates this quite strikingly. U.S. District Judge William Osteen: ?The court is

Re: More Guns, Less Crime?

2001-01-20 Thread Chris Rasch
Hi David, To begin with, neither John Lott nor David Mustard is or was a University of Chicago professor. Mustard was, I'm pretty sure, a grad student, and Lott was an Olin Fellow--a visiting position. Thank you for the correcting my error. I don't think that my error(s) detract from my

Re: More Guns, Less Crime?

2001-01-21 Thread Chris Rasch
Hi David, Unfortunately, as the reaction to Lott's work demonstrated, that perception has very little connection to reality. Opponents claimed that the work was funded by the firearms industry--on the grounds that the Olin foundation got its money long ago from the Olin Corporation, which

Re: More Guns, Less Crime?

2001-01-25 Thread Chris Rasch
jsamples wrote: -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of I agree with you--I don't believe that public health bureaucrats will necessarily be more impartial. The point of Ropeik's article was that, initially, the EPA and the automobile

Competitive advantage through people

2001-01-25 Thread Chris Rasch
Hi, I came across a couple of articles I thought you might enjoy. Competitive advantage through people California Management Review; Berkeley; Winter 1994; Pfeffer, Jeffrey; I believe this article summarizes a book of the same name:

Coming from Good Stock: Where Do Innovative Ventures Come From?

2001-02-03 Thread Chris Rasch
Coming from Good Stock: Where Do Innovative Ventures Come From? Research by Jesper B. Sorensen Capital Ideas Vol. 2, No. 2 Fall 1999 University of Chicago Graduate School of Business Some of the most radically innovative products and technologies today are developed and commercialized not by

Re: Coming from Good Stock: Where Do Innovative Ventures Come From?

2001-02-03 Thread Chris Rasch
Chris Rasch wrote: Coming from Good Stock: Where Do Innovative Ventures Come From? Research by Jesper B. Sorensen Capital Ideas Vol. 2, No. 2 Fall 1999 University of Chicago Graduate School of Business Oops, I forgot the URL for the rest of the research summary: http

Orchestrating Impartiality: The Impact of Blind Auditions on Female Musicians

2001-02-06 Thread Chris Rasch
I recently came across this recently in an article on bias in hiring practices: "Accounting for Unintended Bias Even among the most well-intentioned of individuals, the possibility of unintended bias is present. That is, without knowing that he or she is doing so, those responsible for hiring

Re: Years of education and job performance

2001-02-07 Thread Chris Rasch
William Dickens wrote: Be wary of numbers like this. As you might expect, they vary considerably from job to job. There are big problems with restriction of range in most studies since, for example, you don't see many highschool dropouts applying for jobs that require a PhD. Also, is a

Re: We Aren't Seeing You in Court

2001-02-14 Thread Chris Rasch
velled off and actually been falling in recent years, especially in California. Furthermore, the so-called litigation explosion was actually not much of an explosion after all. The article is available in the Times archives (with free registration) for another day or two. Here are some excerpt

Re: U.S. income wealth inequality

2001-02-17 Thread Chris Rasch
Hi, Quoting a forward by Yann Le Du, * Between 1983 and 1995, only the highest-earning five percent of households saw an increase in their financial net worth. By 1995, the bottom 40 percent of families headed by those between the ages of 25-54 had no savings. The middle quintile of


2001-02-17 Thread Chris Rasch WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH . . . TOWARD A PSYCHOLOGY OF ENTREPRENEURIAL FAILURE AND RE-MOTIVATION Melissa S. Cardon, Columbia School of Business Rita Gunther McGrath, Columbia School of Business ABSTRACT This paper extends a

Digital Gold Offers Liquidity to Dollar-Spooked Investors

2001-02-19 Thread Chris Rasch
[Remarkable growth rate in e-gold accounts--3,000 to 130,000 in eighteen months. They also charge much lower transaction fees than credit card companies. And via OmniPay, you can pay bills from your e-gold account. It will be interesting to see what happens when more and more transactions

BIZ: Thanking Web Sites, With Cash

2001-02-20 Thread Chris Rasch
Thanking Web Sites, With Cash By MICHELLE SLATALLA February 15, 2001 New York Times ALL me stingy, but I can't think of a single time I suddenly got the urge to pay for something I had been getting free and could

ECON: The Tip: A Reward, But for Whom?

2001-02-20 Thread Chris Rasch
Despite the recent court decisions against Napster, free music file sharing (and eventually software, images, film, and anything else that can be digitized) will likely continue to grow, given the difficulty of controlling de-centralized P2P systems like Gnutella and Freenet. According to

The Power of Play: Efficiency and Forecast Accuracy in Web Market Games

2001-02-20 Thread Chris Rasch
Via Joseph Sterlynne on the Extropy list: NEC Research Institute Technical Report #2000-168. A brief version appears in Science 291: 987-988, February 9 2001 (Letters). The Power of Play: Efficiency and Forecast Accuracy in Web Market Games David M. Pennock Steve Lawrence C. Lee Giles Finn rup

Does the stock market do better under Democratic or Republicanpresidents?

2001-08-27 Thread Chris Rasch
Found this at Finance Professors Pedro Santa-Clara and Rossen Valkanov Find Higher Equity Premium Under Democratic Presidents: Researchers conduct analysis of the connection between presidential elections and the stock market and find some

Julian Simon and the price of lumber

2001-09-03 Thread Chris Rasch
Hi, Most of you probably know about the bet between Julian Simon and Paul Ehrlich. (In brief, Simon bet Ehrlich that the price of any five commodity metals, of Ehrlich's choosing, would fall. Ehrlich bet they would rise. The price on all five actually fell, and Ehrlich lost the bet. For

Is that study really necessary?

2001-09-03 Thread Chris Rasch
From: Is that study really necessary? Economics helps decide if we should put our money where researchers' mouths are. 3 September 2001 JOHN WHITFIELD Stuck for a punchy conclusion to a scientific paper? Best avoid the mantra

THE FDA: A Healthy Examination -- Live Presentation (3/7/02)

2002-03-06 Thread Chris Rasch
This looks quite interesting. I'm planning to go. Any armchair denizens care to join me? THE FDA: A Healthy Examination -- Live Presentation (3/7/02) By federal law, all new pharmaceuticals and medical devices are banned until specifically permitted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Fwd: Announcing IP newsletter

2002-04-10 Thread Chris Rasch
Thought that some on this list might be interested in this: -- Forwarded Message -- Subject: Announcing IP newsletter Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 13:20:26 -0400 From: James Bessen [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: IP Newsletter [EMAIL PROTECTED] You are invited to subscribe to a free

Fwd: YOU ARE INVITED: Liberty for Women: Twenty-First Century Feminism with Wendy McElroy

2002-04-20 Thread Chris Rasch
Among other things, McElroy is a leading propopent of economic freedom for sex workers. Bay area armchairs may be interested in this lecture: WENDY McELROY TO DISCUSS LIBERTY FOR WOMEN (San Francisco, Thursday, May 2, 2002) Individualist

Re: Nobels

2002-10-10 Thread Chris Rasch
I'd be curious to know where the researchers were when they actually did the work for which they won the prize. For example, Smith was at Purdue when he began doing experiments in experimental economics. I think Harsanyi is still at Berkeley.

Re: Incentives

2002-11-15 Thread Chris Rasch
I enjoyed Alfie Kohn's book Punished by Rewards, which is a popularization of much of this research. I haven't read them yet, but Deci and Dweck seem to be a

Re: Advise to Journalists

2003-02-03 Thread Chris Rasch
Hi, Some concepts I think that it would be useful for reporters to know: broken windows fallacy. Wars don't create jobs on net--war-related jobs supplants jobs that would've been created by providing non-war related goods/services. seen vs. unseen How FDA regulations actually harm health by