--- Edi Grgeta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to decide whether it is moral for a designer to impose his
> benevolent will through menu design by exploiting imperfections in how
> people choose.

It is not an imposition, because the user is not forced to choose one of
the options, since another option is to exit the menu.

> For example, if the designer thinks that option B is best, and people
> presented with options ABC (in that order) choose A, but presented with
> options BAC (in that order) choose B, then is it moral to select the
> options order BAC rather than ABC or a random menu? No freedom is lost.

It is not immoral, since there is no coercion.

> One situation where this question comes up is in designing 401k plans.

What exactly is the moral issue?

Fred Foldvary

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