On now that I've the basics going I'm now moving to the wireless part.
My armedslack dockstar wants to become access point but none of the usb wifi 
dongles I have seem to work currently in master mode.
Today I brought a new one d-link g122 that should have been rt73 ... but the 
one I got was rt2870. I went back to the shop and managed to get it changed 
for a sitecom wl-608 but whenn I got home I found out that it's the same damn 
chip-set rt2870. I don't think they are going to let me change it again.

I'm hoping one of you dudes can tell me what to buy with a reasonable degree of 
certainty that I get the expected chip-set.
Anyone have any ideas ?
Are there patches to get master mode on zd1211 or rt2870 ?
Some time pre mac80211 zd1211 used to work in master mode, maybe not too 
reiably, but instead of getting fixed it got removed :-(

Thanks in advance

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