
I am doing allele-specific analysis using PSCBS package. I have paired 
tumor-normal matched samples. 
For one of the samples, i got an error which is like

  at #06. lapply(names.T[8:length(names.T)], function(x) {
              y <- grep(x, names(df))
              if (length(y) != 3) {
                  stop("Length of y is not 3")
              d <- dropSegmentationOutliers(y = df[, y[1]], chromosome = 
                  1], x = df[, 2])
              d <- data.frame(chromosome = df[, 1], x = df[, 2], CT = d, 
                  betaT = df[, y[2]], betaN = df[, y[3]])
              fit <- segmentByPairedPSCBS(CT = d[, 3], betaT = d[, 4], 
                  betaN = d[, 5], chromosome = d$chromosome, x = d$x)
              segs <- getSegments(fit)
              pairName <- x
              chrTag <- sprintf("Chr%s", 
              toPNG(pairName, tags = c(chrTag, "PairedPSCBS"), width = 840, 
                  aspectRatio = 0.6, {
              ret <- data.frame(sample = x, segs)
          - lapply() is in environment 'base'
          - originating from 'cytoscanHD.processing.R'

  at #05. aroma.affy.snp.preprocessing(path = 
              chipType = "CytoScanHD_Array", dataSet = "dataset1", 
combineAlleles = FALSE, 
              paired = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, PSCNA = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)
          - aroma.affy.snp.preprocessing() is in environment 'R_GlobalEnv'
          - originating from 'cytoscanHD.processing.R'

  at #04. eval(expr, envir, enclos)
          - eval() is local of the calling function

  at #03. eval(ei, envir)
          - eval() is in environment 'base'

  at #02. withVisible(eval(ei, envir))
          - withVisible() is in environment 'base'

  at #01. source("cytoscanHD.processing.R")
          - source() is in environment 'base'

Error: All genotypes ('muN') called from the normal allele B fractions 
('betaN') are NAs: 2819494 (100%) out of 2819494
In addition: There were 30 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

It seems all BAF values were NA. Why does it happen ? Is there something 
wrong with the sample ?


When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.

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