On RedHat 8.0:
I am running apache_1.3.27 , mod_perl 1.27 (from mod_perl-1.0-current.tar.gz)and,
i want to install Apache-ASP-2.49. After compiling and installing Apache-ASP, i have a
problem when i want to build apache :
[root@linux make_httpd]# ./build_httpds.sh
exit build, no directory found for apache_* at: /root/Apache-ASP-2.49/make_httpd

I dont know exactly whats the meaning of :
'Just drop the sources into the make_httpd directory, configure the enviroments
variables...' like the Apache-ASP README file says. I tried putting
the apache_1.3.27 src files in the make_httpd directory but it`s always the same.
Could somebody explain me what am i doing wrong?
Another doubt that i have it's how to verify that mod_perl modules are enabled.
Thank you for your comments, help and else :)

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