> Mr. Spencer written the article "Using DUNDi with a Cluster of Asterisk
> Servers <http://www.voip-magazine.com/content/view/3644/0/1/0/> " in the
> VoIP Magazine and the piece follow:
> [lookupdundi]
> exten => _X,1,Goto(${ARG1},1)
> switch => DUNDi/priv
> exten => i,1,Goto(lookupmysql,${INVALID_EXTEN},1)
> I didn't get understand the usage ARG1 argument in the context. Do use
> ARG1 variable only into macro? Is not this usage apparent contradiction
> with Asterisk documents? Do anyone get explain this?

Exten => _X,1,Goto  should have actually been
Exten => _X.,1,Goto

You can disregard this exten, it was meant to be a catch-all in this
context, but the switch statement is really what is invoked when you send a
call to this context, not the exten => _X.


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