On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 09:19:15PM +0200, Tako Schotanus wrote:
> I just tried to upgrade and saw a lot of "tuxonice" packages that look
> remarkably like "suspend2" packages.


The project was renamed.

> And smart is trying to install all of them without touching the suspend2
> versions, is that okay?

I think the tuxonice package will automatically upgrade the old
ones. Maybe you just need to allow smart to finish up the upgrade and
the *-suspend2 packages will have been replaced by *-tuxonice?

> It is also trying to install a kernel-PAE package, I imagine because it
> can't understand why I don't have a kernel package? (I only have
> kernel-suspend2 packages)

On the kernel-PAE issue I don't know, maybe upgrading bit by bit will
show which package casues this?

> Anyway, I was wondering what the "official" upgrade path is here.

The upgrade path should be that tuxonice replaces suspend2 whenever
applicable. E.g. some packages didn't have to be touched yet (themes
for example), so they were not renamed yet. But the new packages have
compatibility hooks for the old naming, so the transitions shoiuld be
smooth. If not, please file a bug :)
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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