It seems like redhat updated the gcc compiler on FC4 a few days to 4.0.2 though it is still in testing. The compiler doesn't run with the latest libtool provided by ATrpms. Redhat has released a new version of libtool for the latest gcc but it's an older version of libtool. I was wondering if libtool will be updated at ATrpms?

Kind Regards

André Fettouhi

Cand.Scient. André Fettouhi
Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
II. Physikalisches Institut
Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Geissel
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 14
Office: Raum 25
D-35392 Giessen
Telephone: +49-641-99-33253
Fax: +49-641-99-33239

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