On Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 01:28:07AM -0700, eabod wrote:
I am running AUCTeX via emacs on Ubuntu and having trouble adding a .sty
file. Although the kpsewhich --expand-var='$TEXMFHOME' command outputs
/home/quinn/texmf, and the clrscode3e.sty file is in that directory, I'm
still getting the compilation error message LaTeX Error: File
`clrscode3e.sty' not found when I compile my LaTeX document (via emacs).
Please let me know if you have any suggestions for me to fix this.

Note that this question is not related to AUCTeX at all, so this isn't really 
the right place to ask. Having said that, you may need to update TeX's filename 



Joost Kremers, PhD
University of Frankfurt
Institute for Cognitive Linguistics
Grüneburgplatz 1
60629 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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