Hi all,

I've got a new pre-release of AutoGen with the licensing changed
to GPLv3.  This includes both the AutoGen source itself and
the [= (gpl "program" " * ") =] template macros.  This means
that the libopts either-or licensing is now LGPLv3 or, as before,
the modified BSD license.

I've also clarified the fact that the autogen-only Scheme functions
(http://autogen.sourceforge.net/doc/autogen_31.html#SEC31) are not
to be used in the template pseudo macro
I could probably figure out how to get ``(get "xxx")'' functional,
but I don't see a strong need and I'd rather prep them all at the
same time.  So, don't use them there.

Finally, because it is a nuisance to translate sentence fragments,
I'm going to try to figure out how to easily construct usage text
at template instantiation time.  That string could then get
handed off to a translator.  The long option names have always and
remain translatable strings.


Please let me know if you have any issues.

Thanks!  Regards, Bruce

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