>1. What are the benefits of using Axis generated classes as against
>using standard like JAXB?

More robust XML Schema support is my guess - but I'm fuzzy on which Java <->
XML data binding engines support what.

>2. Will JAXB generation be included as part of the next version of
>JAX-RPC spec?

Not sure about the specifics, but JAX-RPC 2.0 looks like it will be tied to
JAXB 2.0.  Check out: http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=224

>3. Has anyone tried to compare the performance using Axis generated
>classes as against using JAXB?

Not to my knowledge.  See Dim's rant for some possible insight into the
current state of performance metrics:

>I have got Axis to work with JAXB.

>The problem is when I get my response I see that it gets recorded by
>the SAX2EventRecorder in MessageElement. Is it possible for to use JAXB
>to read from the stream instead of using the using the event recorder
>to record to a string and then using jaxb to construct an object tree?

Might want to try posting to Axis-Dev.  They might be very interested in
what you're trying to do.

Jonathan Anderson
Booz Allen Hamilton

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