I've been looking in vain for a solution to this (simple sounding) problem.
I'd like to invoke a web service operation with some nested parameters. The operation takes three arguments, but some of the arguments have sub-parts.
Probably best shown with a real example - here's what the outgoing SOAP message should look like:

  <m:getAddress xmlns:m="AddressFinder">
    <point xsi:type="m0:Point">
      <x xsi:type="xsd:double">-117.195533</x>
      <y xsi:type="xsd:double">34.057055</y>
      <coordinateSystem xsi:type="m0:CoordinateSystem">
        <projection xsi:type="xsd:string">4326</projection>
    <addressFinderOptions xsi:type="m2:AddressFinderOptions">
      <dataSource xsi:type="xsd:string">GDT.Streets.US</dataSource>
    <token xsi:type="xsd:string">MyToken</token>

Note that the first argument, point, consists of x, y and coordinate system, whereas the last argument, token, is just a string.
I'm using apache axis, and dont want to have to generate stubs etc. I just want to create a Call object and invoke the operation like I would do so for other simpler operations,

|Service service = .....
Call call = (Call) service.createCall(.......)
String ret = (String) call.invoke( new Object[] { "...some zip code or whatever..." });
MessageElement body = (MessageElement)call.getResponseMessage().getSOAPEnvelope().getBody();
SOAPBody sb = (SOAPBody)body;
org.w3c.Element dom = sb.getAsDOM();


I'm just interested in the XML that's returned from the call and don't wish to turn it into anything.
My question is, how do I invoke the call object with *nested* paramaters?
Any help would be appreciated,
Eddie Johnston

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