On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, Terrence Brannon wrote:

> I was reading an HTML  article online:
>       http://www.trager.com/articles/Cavanaugh1.htm
> and I got to thinking about how I might do this in AxKit (just
> like when I listen to the radio, I wonder how I might play that
> on guitar).
> What if a website had a "mywebsite" section where each user could
> set the height of their screen? How might we take an XML version
> (say, docbook) version of an article and paginate it so each part
> would fit on their screen and hitting next would move into the
> next segment of the article? Further, how would we make these
> transformations so that subsequent viewers of the same pages
> would receive cached versions?

regarding: http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=238

It is considered *really* poor form to post a bug report against AxKit
simply because nobody answered your question.

Maybe people don't know the answer to your query, or they found the other
questions more interesting, or they simply missed it.

Now if you wish to pay for support, that's an entirely different matter,
and this forum wouldn't be the right place to discuss that.

<!-- Matt -->
<:->Get a smart net</:->

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