Browser native games that use real-world data**

Strangely just in the process of writing to you and Jonathan Hassell...

Has the BBC any product or plans to create online games or visualisations that use data or other real-world data**?
if they are not Flash based, that would be of particular interest.

wondering whether the BBC has completely dropped JAM type initiatives, and if using SVG rather than Flash might help salve the educational business interest issue.
ie open source CC licence allowing commercial use perhaps.

from across the pond:
"The MacArthur Foundation launched its five-year, $50 million digital media and learning initiative in 2006 to help determine how digital technologies are changing the way young people learn, play, socialize, and participate in civic life. "
and in particular
"Gamestar Mechanic is a game designed to teach young people about game design, with the emphasis on design, not programming. The goal is to help young people—gamers and nongamers—learn what it is like to think about design and to think like a designer."


Jonathan Chetwynd

**writing a chapter "Browser native games that use real-world data" for
Business, Technological and Social Dimensions of Computer Games: Multidisciplinary Developments
SVG was not designed for this, but read on....

On 21 Jan 2010, at 11:03, Ian Forrester wrote:

I can certainly say backstage had a hand in making this happen.


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Ian Forrester
Senior Backstage Producer

BBC R&D North Lab,
1st Floor Office, OB Base,
New Broadcasting House, Oxford Road,
Manchester, M60 1SJ

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