-----Original Message-----
From: Deny (F&A, PKP-HO) 
Sent: 27 Mei 2005 10:37



Tolong di sebarluaskan ! TKS!

FIGHT HUNGER, Walk the World 2005 - Jalan-jalan di KB Ragunan

Seperti tahun lalu, tujuannya untuk membantu anak-anak agar dapat sekolah.
Dana yg terkumpul juga untuk membantu memberi makan pada hewan di KB Ragunan

yang sudah kurus-kurus. Karena masyarakat lebih suka ke TMII, Ancol atau

Lokasi: Kebon Binatang Ragunan 
Waktu: 12 Juni 07.00 - 10.00 
Route: didalam KB Ragunan 

Registrasi: Rp. 30,000 (entry ticket + T-shirt + cap + door prize) dan bisa
menyumbang lebih.
Tiket dapat di ambil/hubungi
Bayu Irawan, Manager, Public relations and Corporate Social Responsibility,
TNT Express @ 0816 162 6033 

Atau Tomoko Niino, reports Officer, UN WFP @ 0812 105 6478 (Japanese) 
Wisma Kyoei Prince, Jl. Jend. Sudirman, di samping Bank
When : Sunday, 12 June 2005 @ 7.00am
Where : Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta
             Jl. Harsono R.M, Pasar Minggu
Route : 5 kilometers in one of the oldest and biggest zoo in Asia, Ragunan
Time Activities :  6.45  - Meeting Point in front office Ragunan Zoo office
                         7.00  - Welcoming by WFP Country Director, Mohammed
                         7.30  - Start 5 km walks inside the Ragunan Zoo.
                         8.30  - Arrive at the finish line
                         8.35  - Remarks by TNT Indonesia President
Director, Colin Moran
                         8.40  - Fundraising, bazaar, lucky draw, photo with
celebrities and carnival party
                       10.00  - Closing - announcement of fund

  Fight Hunger, Walk the World is a TNT/WFP-sponsored annual global 
  fundraising and advocacy event to raise awareness around the issue of
  hunger. The goal of the event is to eradicate child hunger by 2015. 
  Last year the walk events were held in 72 countries in 24 different
  time zones raising 1 million (USD) to support WFP's school feeding 
  initiative. In Indonesia, Rp 142 million was raised.

  Once again this year, let us gather with friends, family, colleagues 
  and members of the humanitarian community to Fight Hunger, Walk
  the World! This year's walk will be held at Ragunan Zoo in South 
  Jakarta on Sunday, 12 June (7-10am). Yes, were gonna walk 5km inside 
  the Zoo! Details of the event can be found at 
   <http://www.fighthunger.org/> http://www.fighthunger.org

  Our goal of this year is to raise Rp 250 million. To make this event 
  yet another great success, we need help from each of you, 
  particularly from those who are in Jakarta. Volunteer help would be
  welcome, as would the purchase of a Rp 30,000 ticket in return for a 
  campaign T-shirt and cap as well as the opportunity to win door 
  prizes. We need to collect as much suponsorship as possible
  to reach the goal. Please spread the words as much as you can. 
  Tickets are now ready to be picked up!

  If you are unable to walk on 12 June, you can still take the first 
  step to end child hunger without leaving your seat. By going to
   <http://www.fighthunger.org,/> http://www.fighthunger.org, entering your
email address and clicking 
  the button on the page, our sponsors will donate nineteen cents (US 
  $0.19) on your behalfthe average cost of a school meal for one WFP 
  beneficiary a day.

  With your help, Fight Hunger: Walk the World can become the largest, 
  most inclusive public education event in history. See you on the 
  web, and see you on 12 June!

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