Your child will be as obedient as you expect, or as
defiant as you allow. When we ask parents of obedient
kids why their children obey, they all answer,
"Because we expect them to." Simple as this sounds,
many parents let this basic fact of discipline slip
away. They are too busy, their child is
"strong-willed;" they make excuses: "It's just a
developmental phase." 

In the early years children don't know what behavior
is acceptable or unacceptable until you tell them. one
evening at a kid-friendly restaurant, we observed two
families handling the same discipline situation in two
different ways. The two-and-a-half-year-old in one
family was incessantly climbing over the back of the
booth, and she kept this climbing behavior up until it
became disruptive to nearby patrons. Wimpy "don'ts"
from the parents did not deter the persistent climber.
It was clear this child had no idea that climbing was
unacceptable behavior. She got the message, "We prefer
that you not climb, but we're not going to do anything
about it." 

Another two-and-a-half-year-old got a different
message and showed different behavior. The parent sat
the child next to him, frequently acknowledged the
child, and kept him involved in the family
conversation. As soon as the toddler began to climb,
the father immediately redirected him and politely
planted the climber back in his seat. With a
combination of creative distraction and respectful
restraint, the parent conveyed to the child that he
was expected to refrain from climbing because climbing
would disturb the people in the next booth. The child
got the message that any effort to climb the seat
would not be okay. The child filed this experience
into his memory bank, to be retrieved the next time
they went to a restaurant when, presumably, he made
fewer attempts to climb over the seat. 

Was the parent in the second family exhibiting
controlling behavior? Yes, but in the right sense of
the term. Abusive control is when you forcibly impose
your will upon your child, expecting him to obey, but
to the detriment of your relationship. When you insist
on obedience and help the child to get control of
himself, you are using your power over the child in a
good way that helps him develop inner controls.
Remember, children want limits so that they don't feel
out of control, and they want parents to stand by
those limits. They keep testing the limits to see if
you will uphold them. When you don't, the child feels
anxious that no one is strong enough to contain him.
To a child, that is scary. 

6. MODEL DISCIPLINE. A model is an example your child
imitates. The mind of a growing child is a sponge,
soaking up life's experiences; it's a video camera
capturing everything a child hears and sees, storing
these images in a mental vault for later retrieval.
These stored images, especially those frequently
repeated by significant persons in the child's life,
become part of his personality—the child's self. So,
one of your jobs as parents is to provide good
material for your child to absorb. 

"But I can't be perfect." of course not. No parent is
perfect. While writing this book, Martha and I would
often say, "We know all this stuff and we still keep
making mistakes." In fact, it's unhealthy to model
perfection—a goal that neither parent nor child can
meet (though many are crippled by trying). It's the
overall impression that your child receives that
counts, not the occasional blunders or outbursts. If a
parent is habitually angry, anger becomes part of the
child's self. The child learns that this is the way
people deal with life. If a parent models happiness
and trust, with an occasional angry tirade, the child
sees a healthier model: People are happy most of the
time, but sometimes difficulties make you angry. You
handle the situation and go back to being happy. 

Parents, you are the first people your child knows.
You are the first caregivers, authority figures,
playmates, male and female. You set the standard for
your child's attitude toward authority, her ability to
play with peers, and her sexual identity. Part of
yourself becomes part of your child. Yes, much of a
child's behavior is genetic. More than one parent has
been known to remark, "He came wired that way," but
much is also influenced by the child's behavioral

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