On Nov 26, 2007 3:39 AM, Martin Owens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK contrary to my last email I decided to look at btool a little
> closer; running btool more than once does kill the blackberry. I'm not
> entirly sure why and since I lack any windows logs for blackberry
> pearls I'm not even sure what is wrong.
> There is probably some command which closes the connection or some
> such, or I'm forggeting to read off the last message from the usb
> buffer and that kills it some how. Chris if your on irc at some point,
> that would be great.

As a data point. With the latest cvs (and a couple before) on Fedora 8
x86_64 with no barry kernel module installed - as soon as I plug my
curve into the usb port it resets.


Brian Edginton

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