Hi Nicklas,

I had some time and implemented the 'ServiceFactory' functionality.
Gzipped java files are attached. To summarize changes:

1) three new classes/interfaces were created (I put them in
net.sf.basedb.ws.client.added package):
a) RPCServiceClientCreator - interface containing RPCServiceClient getService(String serviceUrl) method for creating RPCServiceClient objects b) DefaultRPCServiceClientCreator - factory class implementing interface above. It creates RPCServiceClient objects in the way they were created in AbstractRPCClient.getService() method. c) NoChunkRPCServiceClientCreator - the same as above but with CHUNK option set to false.

2) AbstractRPCClient class uses own RPCServiceClientCreator object to create objects in getService() method. Creator object is initialized in constructor (type of creator is an argument of additional constructor). The creator type can be chosen between values supported by AbstractRPCClient, available as public static constants (currently only DEFAULT_RPC_SERVICE_CLIENT and NO_CHUNK_RPC_SERVICE_CLIENT). If no creator type is supplied, default one is used.

3) all the subclasses of AbstractRPCClient have additional constructor with last argument being type of RPCServiceClientCreator which refers to constructor in superclass. This makes possible to choose creator type when programming BASE2 webservices clients.

I attached diffs.txt file which contains diff output on
net/sf/basedb/ws/client/ folders for my version and 2.7.1. Just thought, it might be helpful.

I hope the code will be useful.

Best wishes,

Nicklas Nordborg wrote:
Pawel Sztromwasser wrote:
Hello BASE developers,

We have been recently trying to enable retrieving some data from
BASE2 installation directly into our 'home made' analysis tool. We
use webservices for that and have to say that you are doing a great


We are really looking forward to use them more extensively.

Recently, when I started testing the tool not only within the local network I noticed that the webservice client does not switch off chunking. It results in attached exception cascade. Chunking is on by default in axis2 and some servers (i.e. our gateway to BASE which apparently uses HTTP1.0 and not 1.1) have problems with it. The
remedy is to use

options.setProperty(HTTPConstants.CHUNKED, false);

in net.sf.basedb.ws.client.AbstractRPCClient.getService(). I don't
know what are the drawbacks of it, but that was the only way I could
run the services in our current setup (BASE2.6 accessible by
proxypass from exposed webserver). Could this option be set off by
default or configurable somewhere? Or maybe there is some other

I am afraid that I am not very familiar with all possible options that is available in the Axis API:s. There seems to be a lot of them and their Javadoc is not very informative about what many of the options are used for. The CHUNKED option seems to be related to the way HTTP requests are made, but I have to admit that this is the first time I have heard of it. This means that I probably know even less than you about this.

I think that, in the future, there may be more requests about being able to set other options. So, it may be better to think ahead and try to figure out some way to be able to do this as easy as possible. With the current BASE API the only workaround that doesn't involve changing the BASE code is to subclass all AbstractRPCClient subclasses and override the 'getService()' method. This is not very elegent since there are several such classes and the new 'getService()' will be added to each one of them.

A better approach may be to create a 'ServiceFactory' interface which has a 'createService()' method. The default implementation would then work as the AbstractRPCClient.getService() does today. The last step is to figure out a way to switch to another 'ServiceFactory' implementation either by having a configuration file or by being able to specify it programmatically.

I have opened a ticket for this issue http://base.thep.lu.se/ticket/1057. It falls under the 'contributions welcome' category since right now we are forced to prioritize other things.


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Attachment: new_client_package.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

diff net/sf/basedb/ws/client/AbstractRPCClient.java 
< import net.sf.basedb.ws.client.added.DefaultRPCServiceClientCreator;
< import net.sf.basedb.ws.client.added.NoChunkRPCServiceClientCreator;
< import net.sf.basedb.ws.client.added.RPCServiceClientCreator;
> import org.apache.axis2.addressing.EndpointReference;
> import org.apache.axis2.client.Options;
<       /**
<        * Client will use default 
org.apache.axis2.rpc.client.RPCServiceClient, no options set
<        */
<       public static final int DEFAULT_RPC_SERVICE_CLIENT = 1;
<       /**
<        * The same type of RPCServiceClient as default, but with chunked 
option set to false 
<        */
<       public static final int NO_CHUNK_RPC_SERVICE_CLIENT = 2;
<       /**
<        * RPCServiceClientCreator used in getService() method to create 
<        */
<       private final RPCServiceClientCreator serviceCreator;
<       /**
<        * The same as AbstractRPCClient(String, String, int type) with 
<        */
<               this(url, service, DEFAULT_RPC_SERVICE_CLIENT);
<       }
<       protected AbstractRPCClient(String url, String service, int clientType)
<       {
<               switch (clientType) {
<                       case NO_CHUNK_RPC_SERVICE_CLIENT: 
<                               serviceCreator = new 
<                               break;
<                       default:
<                               serviceCreator = new 
<               }
<               /*
<               options.setProperty(HTTPConstants.CHUNKED, false);
<               */
<               return serviceCreator.getService(serviceUrl);
Only in net/sf/basedb/ws/client/: added
diff net/sf/basedb/ws/client/AnnotationTypeClient.java 
<               this(session, DEFAULT_RPC_SERVICE_CLIENT);
<       }
<       public AnnotationTypeClient(SessionClient session, int clientType)
<       {
<               super(session.getUrl(), "AnnotationType", clientType);
>               super(session.getUrl(), "AnnotationType");
diff net/sf/basedb/ws/client/ArrayDesignClient.java 
<               this(session, DEFAULT_RPC_SERVICE_CLIENT);
<       }
<       public ArrayDesignClient(SessionClient session, int clientType)
<       {
<               super(session.getUrl(), "ArrayDesign", clientType);
>               super(session.getUrl(), "ArrayDesign");
diff net/sf/basedb/ws/client/BioAssaySetClient.java 
<               this(session, DEFAULT_RPC_SERVICE_CLIENT);
<       }
<       public BioAssaySetClient(SessionClient session, int clientType)
<       {
<               super(session.getUrl(), "BioAssaySet", clientType);
>               super(session.getUrl(), "BioAssaySet");
diff net/sf/basedb/ws/client/ExperimentClient.java 
<               this(session, DEFAULT_RPC_SERVICE_CLIENT);
<       }
<       public ExperimentClient(SessionClient session, int clientType)
<       {
<               super(session.getUrl(), "Experiment", clientType);
>               super(session.getUrl(), "Experiment");
diff net/sf/basedb/ws/client/ProjectClient.java 
<               this(session, DEFAULT_RPC_SERVICE_CLIENT);
<       }
<       public ProjectClient(SessionClient session, int clientType)
<       {
<               super(session.getUrl(), "Project", clientType);
>               super(session.getUrl(), "Project");
diff net/sf/basedb/ws/client/RawBioAssayClient.java 
<               this(session, DEFAULT_RPC_SERVICE_CLIENT);
<       }
<       public RawBioAssayClient(SessionClient session, int clientType)
<       {
<               super(session.getUrl(), "RawBioAssay", clientType);
>               super(session.getUrl(), "RawBioAssay");
diff net/sf/basedb/ws/client/ReporterClient.java 
<               this(session, DEFAULT_RPC_SERVICE_CLIENT);
<       }
<       public ReporterClient(SessionClient session, int clientType)
<       {
<               super(session.getUrl(), "Reporter", clientType);
>               super(session.getUrl(), "Reporter");
diff net/sf/basedb/ws/client/SessionClient.java 
<               this(url, ID, externalClientId, DEFAULT_RPC_SERVICE_CLIENT);
<               /*
<               */
<       public SessionClient(String url, String ID, String externalClientId, 
int clientType)
<               throws AxisFault
<       {
<               super(url, "Session", clientType);
<               this.url = url;
<               this.ID = ID != null ? ID : invokeBlocking("newSession", 
String.class, externalClientId);
<       }
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