Ok, I guess I'm missing something in the configuration of the plugin, for all 
the plugins associated with the Base1PluginExecuter.  If i simply create the 
plugin under the Base1PluginExecuter but then not configure it, then I am given 
the option under the drop down to run it when attempting "Run an analysis 
plugin" but it does not function as it hasn't been configured.  But once i do 
configure it, with the proper file and path to the run command. the option to 
run the plugin in the drop down under run an analysis plugin disappears as an 
option to run.

Thanks again


From: Nicklas Nordborg [nick...@thep.lu.se]
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 4:01 PM
To: basedb-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [base] Base 1.2 plugin - Virtual Array -1.1

On 2011-03-10 20:58, Jari Häkkinen wrote:
>  Also, Virtual array works only on 2-channel data.

I was never involved in the development of this plug-in so maybe I am
missing something obvious....

I had a quick lock at the code
and I can't see anything in it that depends on the number of channels.
As far as I can tell it is simply copying the input intensities to the
output without change. The only difference is that it assigns negative
position numbers. Actually I don't see any point in running the
VirtualArray at all. All intensity data afterwards will be exactly the
same as it was before. The only change is that position numbers are
different, and as a side-effect of that the connection to raw data is
lost. But... maybe I am missing something obvious...

Anyone knows more about this?

In any case, since there is not any dependency on the number of channels
in the code, it should be safe to change
'minChannels 2' to 'minChannels 1' in the pluginVirtualArray.base file.
Or (easier) directly by reconfiguring the plug-in in the web interface.
There should be an option for this setting in the second step (leave the
file field empty in the first step).


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