Meeting #1592 - Monday, 8 March, 2021

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary

ZOOM Meeting Registration link: 

Called to order at 20:06

Total of 12 log-ins

The minutes of meeting 1581 were accepted as: Not meeting on discord.


Regular: $15,706.05
Party: $230.58
money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to =

Vice President: Nothing Fannish to report. 

President: Not present.

No committees reporting.

Committee of Establishing Committees has nothing to report.

No new business.


Nonsonance t-shirts are now available proceeds go to the parent company.
Lisa: already bought hers!
Kennita: Will there be recordings available [Answer is yes: Festival of the 
Living Room FaceBook page and possible YouTube]

Had and ECG today. Looked like he was getting a sonogram of his heart. Could 
see all the sound-waves and what-not, was fun. Apparently he has a heart, and 
it seems to be working moderately well.

Another virttual convention next week: Marscon. He’ll be there. <> 


His nephew Jeremiah attended VancouFur and really enjoyed it. Great to see the 
next gen enjoying fandom. Sold his first art commission! 
Rasputins on Bascom has a book section. It’s gotten better over the years. 
Picked up a couple of books for better than half-priced.
Saw the conclusion to WandaVision. Intense.
JohnO: Watched it. Good wrap-up. People who were confused, will continue to be 
confused. Final reveal was perfect.
Rick: Everything wrapped up well. Themes executed well in the end. Not for 
straightforward story people.
Lisa: Perfect in how it deals with grief.

Nonsonance: Enjoyable. Lot of good groups. Open circles went to 3 a..m! This 
year the convention was pure Zoom, worked much better than last time (YouTube 
and Zoom). International guests that wouldn’t be able to make it live were 
there. Good filk con.
Howierd: Lots of people, sometimes locking him out. Audio levels all over the 
map, bothered him (as it’s a music fest). Hour blocks are great in person, but 
for pre-set setups was a little too much.
Lynn: Interesting running it this way. Some sound-checks were not able to be 
done. Some slots were 30, other were 60 min (determined by the programing 
department). Groups could also perform by edited video (she had to learn 
FinalCut Pro fast!)
JohnO: Enjoyed to concerts (played while working in the yard!)

A YouTuber, Punished Props Academy ( 
<>), has been doing Highlander props recently, and - 
coincidentally - John just watched Highlander on Friday. Holds up after 35 
years. FX don’t, but they weren’t cutting edge even then! Interesting watching 
it through the lens of having watched the rest of the movies and the TV series. 
Recommend, worth while. Also discovered there were more films that he hadn’t 
Ken: I went with the idea of “There can only be one…” and stopped with the 
first film.
Rick: Agreed.
Craig: Morning Stream Podcast ( <>) 
One of their regular guests is from Punished Props Academy.

Rumor of the Week:  

Consonance lives, and still sounds great. 

Adjourned at: 21:49

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