>>>>> "GS" == Geeta Shukla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

GS> I am using Batik 1.1.1 for my project to render SVG files.

    You might try using Batik 1.5b4 or current CVS as they are
probably better for most uses at this point.

GS> The problem is that I cannot make use of the inner class/fields of
GS> JSVGCanvas for scrolling left/right/top/bottom. I tried looking
GS> through the JSVGCanvas.java file and found that the method
GS> "installActions()" makes a call to all the required inner classes,
GS> puts them in a locally created ActionMap hashtable and
GS> returns. This seems to me a bug. Does the 1.5beta release has this
GS> bug fixed?

    I guess it isn't clear to me what the bug is.  Do you want public
access to a scroll up/down/left/right function?  If so I suggest you
use the 'setRenderingTransform' function.  This allows you to provide
a new rendering transform for the image (so you can adjust pan, zoom,
rotation, skew, etc).

GS> Please tell me the way in which I can use scrolling functionality
GS> on JSVGCanvas. Iam attaching one of my SVG files for your
GS> reference.

    BTW you probably want to either say overflow="visible" or set the
viewBox on the svg element (setting the viewBox is probably what you
want to do).  This can help you control how the canvas first displays
the content.

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