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some days ago I posted an Transcoder to generate Image Maps, which I'm still 
improving. Also I'm working on a Transcoder to use any Encoders of the Java 
Advanced Imaging Toolkit (JAI). The last is done to have support for WBMP's, 
but others are also supported, including BMP. I think adding ICO for favicons 
is not so much work.

All these transcoders will be used in cocoon by me. But the transcoders are 
also used in the rasterizer, the browser and perhaps others. This brought me 
to the idea to create something like a transcoder registration in batik, 
which would be used by all applications.

What do you all think about this?
Has anyone else tought about it before?
Has anyone idea's for this?
What should a Transcoder Descriptor contain?

Here what I think:
- - There should be an interface for such a registration class.
- - One implementation, the only we provide, should staticly register all 
Transcoders we have. This shouldn't be done directly, but by calling a static 
register method in the Transcoder Object itself. For this the Transcoder 
interface has to be extended for such a method.
- - There should be a TranscoderDescriptor class which contains a list of 
mime-types, default extensions, transcoder name and hint descriptions. For 
the last two, there has to be support for localization.
- - Each Transcoder has one or more TranscoderDescriptors. The PNG, GIF, TIFF 
and SVG transcoders can have one descriptor each, as they only generate one 
graphic format. The JAI ones, generate their Descriptors out of the Encoder 
Descriptors from JAI. This is partly done using the reflection API. Sorry, no 
other way in the mean time.
- - The registration interfaces should be accessible by some hash maps sorted by 
extensions, mime-types and transcoder names. There should also be sorted 
enumerations to create menu's or filters for FileDialogs.

On application side, the following has to be done:
- - The rasterizer must be changed to use the new interface. The hints should be 
moved to one parameter like -hint:name=value. The help must read them out of 
the registration.
- - Squiggle is more work. There the export dialogs have to be created out of 
the registration, also the export menu. The last shouldn't be a great deal, 
but the first.
- - For cocoon I haven't looked so far. First I'd like to hear your ideas and if 
you agree, implement the registration.

With kind regards
        Torsten Knodt
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