Re: BERNER-L digest 4297

2003-02-28 Thread KSchulz2
I recently ordered and received the Chinook Breakaway collar. My Berner boy was constantly tugging and pulling on my lab/dane's collar and sometimes removing it from her neck. I was very scared she would be injured during play. She hasn't worn a collar in months because for some reason my

Re: BERNER-L digest 4277

2003-02-17 Thread KSchulz2
A coworker of mine found a Berner in a pet store in Chandler, AZ this weekend. After work today I stopped by the store to see if I could get some information on where this dog came from. He was a male Berner born 10/28/02 and looked underdeveloped and covered in urine. The sales lady blamed

Re: BERNER-L digest 4102

2002-11-06 Thread KSchulz2
Well Bub Gage strikes again! My sister just called me from a local hair salon her friend owns. Some lady brought in 4 week old puppies without their mother. She stated she purchased a male Berner (bred by Bub Gage) from a pet store and decided to breed him with her Shepard/Lab mix. It gets