This is a CHALLENGE Fundraiser for BARC and LOC. The idea is to see how much money we can raise for both organizations who are trying to education the public about the dangers of puppy mills and to prevent poor quality puppies from becoming part of the breeding pool. The information which BARC has gathered from the auction puppies has provided valuable statistics and information to use in the lobbying efforts of LOC. Partnering we can make a difference! Here are the totals that we have raised for the fundraiser so far:

BARC - $ 345.00

LOC - $ 295.00

Let's make these numbers GROW!!!

I have great news!!! I just got a photo of the painting that Willem Wijnberg, from the Netherlands, did for our BARC LOC Challenge Fundraiser. It is 10x14 inches and is based on a photograph of Fiona Gordo's puppy girl, Eden, Gladsheim East O Eden, aged 7 weeks. It is item #79. I just sent the photo to Karen Pickel to put on our do check it out!! Willem just sent me another note telling me that he is also donating another painting to our fundraiser and is painting it now. This painting is based on a photo of Dillon, the BARC Puppy that was loved and cared for by Kelly Weir. It will be #83 for our fundraiser.

Don't forget that Marilynn and Star have donated 2 tickets to the next 28 people who buy tickets for our fundariser. Each person will receive 1BARC tickets and 1 LOC ticket- so when you send in your donations, remember that you get two more tickets to spend!

With 98 wonderful items to win, this is a very exciting fundraiser. Remember.....the pre-Holiday drawing for the first 15 items will take place on Thursday, December 12th, so you NEED TO SEND IN YOUR CHECKS RIGHT AWAY!! If you are sending in checks for the pre-Holiday Drawing, please send me a note telling me how much you are sending and how you want me to distribute your tickets for this pre-Holiday drawing, so you can be included in the drawing.

If you haven't checked out the prizes for this fundraiser, then you better do it RIGHT NOW!! Thank you Karen Pickel, for doing such a great job on the fundraiser website:

I'm still waiting for my mailbox to be FULL of checks.

Joye Neff and Winston (Samantha and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

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