Have you taken a look at the BMDCC raffle and silent auction items recently?
Check out the original Specialty 2003 Commemorative Painting or the one of
kind Bernese dog bowl.  Many new items have been added to these sites since
they were first posted on berner-l thanks to the generous support of friends
and neighbours.

You can see these lovely items on the  website for the May 2003 BMDCC and
BMDCO combined specialty show to be held in Ottawa at:
 http://members.rogers.com/bmdspecialty2003/bmdcc_fund_raiser.htm  for
raffle items and

http://members.rogers.com/bmdspecialty2003/silent.htm for auctions items.

Robin Camken has done a wonderful job on the web site.  Take a tour to get
complete details on the raffle, auction and all the show events.

Kathy Kennedy

in Ottawa with Orla

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