Don't forget folks the deadline for submitting
comments on the new proposed BMDCA Code of Conduct is
drawing near -- deadline is Sept. 10,2003. You have to
be a member in good standing to submit your comments,
I hope each and every member takes the time to read
the proposed code and send in their comments.  We can
talk til we are blue in the face but until we have a
stronger COE things will not change with our club, we
want to have something to give the Potential Puppy
buyers about why buying from a BMDCA breeder is better
than a pet store or off the internet  -- well go make
your opinion known and most important when the time
comes to vote --- VOTE!

You can read the new proposed code and how to submit
comments at this link or just go to
under the section Announcements:

For new members on Berner-L -- there is a list
moderated by Sandie Hawkins that you can join:
the time to join and get involved in YOUR club, the
club is only as strong as it's membership and if the
members aren't being active well -- what can I say but
shame on you for not being concerned enough about the
future of the breed for the National club is the
steward of the breed, forget the doggie politics just
think of those soulful eyes as they look at you
tonight and you get that nudge under the elbow for
more pets and hugs.  We have to be there for our dogs.

Pat Tackett (BMD's since 1986, member since 1987)

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