Bill -

I _do_ in fact run J from "C:\Program Files\J601\" with my own profile
and user libraries in "C:\amisc\JSys" and this works fine though it took
a little futzing around to get it right.

I'll attempt to get a version running from a thumb drive as this is a good
idea.  I have so many old ones lying around, I can dedicate one to J.


From: bill lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Jbeta] Re:relative path in user/config (bill lam)

I'm not sure if that will be a solution because those config files are
by the J library. I cannot modify the J library script because my patch
will be
overwritten by next package manager update.

You may also test it by relocating the working J folder to another place
eg. from c:\j601 to c:\devon\j601

Devon McCormick wrote:
Bill - have you looked at how this is handled in "profile.ijs" in the
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