Ah ha..
this is an interesting one

I noticed a while back that I could use the ..\.. (etc etc) notation
to move up and out of the the j602 directory to search where i wanted.
(Bjorn could have used . to extend beyond Project and User)

But I don't think this allows me to move away from the drive where J
is installed.

    'this is a little test for FiF: word insert' (1!:2)<'..\insert.txt'
Searching for string 'insert_this' with '..' in the 'In Folders' field returns:
c:\jsoftware\j602\..\insert_this.txt (1)

Is there a way to override the 'c:\joftware\j602\'  prefix? (other
than hacking fif.ijs)
FiF is really very useful but running J from a USB stick install would
limit the it searching the stick.

1 b)
It would be neat if variable substitution aka perl was possible - for example:
where, in the current locale,
  pathx=:Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0'
or in named locale

When the FileType field is empty (or blank) then switching to the Help
tab and back again causes an error:
error in: fif_tabs_button
domain error:wd
wd'setselect etype ', ":j i. <FIFTYPE

2 b)
Would be nice if FileType honoured the text entered - (e.g. a type of
myx is ignored - must select 'All' instead)


On 10/1/07, Chris Burke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Björn Helgason wrote:
> > The Find in Files folders only show projects and users.
> > It is quite limiting compared to J601 which allowed to search in all folders
> > It is very useful to be able to find in system folders
> Agreed, I'll restore that.
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