1) Current Projects

phonybone requested a branch for his physics work

last particle note; we intend to do a "post-mortem" with the artists,
to clearly document the shortcomings we felt were blocking us, and
particle issues will get attention too
jahka + phonybone could interview durian guys when they're in here
too, to get first hand experience

<phonybone>     i'd like to get direct user feedback to get to know the
most urgent issues


ton mentioned that he would like to see GSoC coders hanging around irc
a bit more often - so for those of you GSoCers who are not regularly
visiting the Blender channel, please consider doing so.

Also it was noted that meeting times are especially good for finding
various members of the team if you have questions/need help.

Here are the weekly status reports from the students

Konrad Wilhelm Kleine - Paint Tools upgrade

Nick Samarin -  - Recast and Detour (Pathfindind and AI for GE)

Rohith B.V. - Quad Dominant Remeshing
Rohith B.V. - 

Joerg Mueller  - GE API improvements

Leif Andersen - Testing framework

Mitchell Stokes - GLSL shader improvements

Jason Wilkins - Sculpting Brushes improvements

Nicholas Bishop - Multires Improvements

Mike Erwin - Input Device improvements

Joshua Leung - Physics tools

3) 2.5x

Tom reports that on the sculpting front - all tools are finally
usable! and hopefully ready for review midweek If the install stuff is
settled, we're ready for beta and then we can go with double energy
back to bugs Plan is to check again next weekend and if all goes well
then define beta build in that week

Tom noted that if at all possible he would like workflow for paint
texturing fixed before release currently it takes about 30 steps to
setup and begin texturing, with almost garunteed mistake.  Which could
be turned into a 2-4 step process with little chance of error.  Ton
asked that Tom make a document describing the current process and how
he would recommend things be simplified.

4) Durian

things still progress nicely, the coding work is winding to an end
which will allow more attention to be turned to pure bug fixing.
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