Hello everyone,

ISC is proud to announce an official Docker images for BIND 9
versions 9.11 (Extended Support Version), 9.16 (Stable Version)
and 9.17 (Development Version).

Here’s the link to the official docker repository:

The images are built on top of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and BIND 9
packages from official ISC PPA (https://launchpad.net/~isc)
and will be updated every time there’s a new BIND 9 releases.

This is in the phase of technology preview, so I would invite
people to test the docker images and provide feedback (both
constructive praise and constructive critique are welcome).
The feedback could be sent here (the mailing list), or if you
think you found an issue to the official repository

Please be aware that while this is fairly simple, we would not
recommend running this in the production unless you are actually
accept that if you run into any problems you are on your own
and you will have to do any debugging on your own.

Here’s the quickstart:

# Recursive DNS Server

## BIND 9.11
docker run \
        --name=bind9 \
        --restart=always \
        --publish 53:53/udp \
        --publish 53:53/tcp \
        --publish \

# BIND 9.16
docker run \
        --name=bind9 \
        --restart=always \
        --publish 53:53/udp \
        --publish 53:53/tcp \
        --publish \

## Authoritative DNS Server

Here you will actually want to provide the desired
configuration in /etc/bind/named.conf and primary
zones, etc… (e.g. it’s not magic, you will have to
configure it).

# BIND 9.11
docker run \
        --name=bind9 \
        --restart=always \
        --publish 53:53/udp \
        --publish 53:53/tcp \
        --publish \
        --volume /etc/bind \
        --volume /var/cache/bind \
        --volume /var/lib/bind \
        --volume /var/log \

# BIND 9.16
docker run \
        --name=bind9 \
        --restart=always \
        --publish 53:53/udp \
        --publish 53:53/tcp \
        --publish \
        --volume /etc/bind \
        --volume /var/cache/bind \
        --volume /var/lib/bind \
        --volume /var/log \

Thanks for any feedback you might have,
Ondřej Surý (He/Him)

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