Hey Birders,

I did a tour from Rondeau to Long Point in the rain today. I didn't have too 
much of note since it rained the whole day, but the day wasn't a bust! At 
around 5:30pm at the Townsend S.L. I observed a drake Eurasian Wigeon in the SW 
cell. The bird was associating with 7 A. Wigeons. 

Also present at the lagoons included an earliesh Savannah Sparrow and an E. 

8 Little Gull's were present at Turkey Point, otherwise nothing too much of 
interest at the other locations. While not a bird, one of the highlights for me 
was a Painted Turtle at Long Point (on Concession A).

To see a more complete summary of my day, check my blog out: 

Directions to the EUWI:
Take Hwy. 3 east from Simcoe. Turn left onto Keith Richardson Parkway. Take the 
first road north of Hwy. 3. Go about 300m. and park. The lagoons are on the 
north side. 

Good Birding,
Ken Burrell
Heidelberg, ON

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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