As John Stirrat reported Dan Kazinski found two Red-necked Phalaropes in the 
3rd lagoon at Nonquon today.  One was a juvenile and the other an adult. They 
were actively feeding when I left at 11:30. Also at the lagoons were: 

359 Bonaparte's Gulls
56 Lesser Yellowlegs
5 Greater Yellowlegs
4 Killdeer
1 Pectoral Sandpiper
15 Least Sandpipers
4 Spotted Sandpipers
1 Bufflehead
4 Hooded Mergansers
3 Osprey
1 Merlin
22 Black Terns
4 Marsh Wrens
4 Trumpeter Swans

just north of the jct. of Scugog Conc. 3 and Shirley Rd., south of Port Perry, 
two Sandhill Cranes were feeding in a stubble field


Permits must be purchased in advance of entering the lagoons. They cost
$10.00. The permits may be purchased at the Durham Region Transfer Site located 
1623 Reach Rd, Port Perry during the following business hours .... Tuesday,
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Thursday from
8:00 a.m. to 6 p.m.  To get to the transfer station, travel north on Hwy 12
past Port Perry [Hwy 7A] to the next traffic lights [Regional Road 8 Reach
Rd.] and travel east to #1623 on the north side of the road.

The lagoons are located one road north of the transfer site on Concession
Rd. 8 [don't get confused as, despite the fact that these roads are both
numbered "8", hey are two different roads - one is a regional paved road,
the other a dirt concession road.]. Access to the lagoons is from the east
end of Conc. 8 only as the bridge is out west of the lagoons.

Geoff Carpentier

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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