Now is the time for planning your livestock genetics future!

I just returned from the first ever dedicated biosecure transport using
the Bruton low profile luxury limo trailer and justifiably so it was
delivered to Bruton Road in Florida! The goats were picked up in Texas
on Thursday and delivered to Florida on Saturday.

This load of Powell-Holman and Mauldin prime boer breeding stock were
delivered to a breeder who believes that being prepared for the upswing
in the agriculture economy is the plan for the future. This herd of
ennobled boer bloodlines will have a significant impact on the boer
genetic pool in Florida a year from now when their kids come on to the
breeders market.

You too can create your market by planning ahead. There are many 'deals'
available now due to drought conditions or the prospect of having to
feed animals through the winter. Do some shopping and do some
negotiating to get the genetics you want now. Find the animals you want
and arrange transport with TravelWithRonK PremierLimo to get your new
future delivered to your door! Transport fees were quite reasonable for
this load of 14 animals when looked at on a cost per animal basis even
though it was a dedicated biosecure situation.

I am making a TX to IL to WA to CA to TX loop in mid/late JAN. After
that I will be available for limo style trips to your destinations.



Ron and Corgi co-pilots Tina and Jeremy (AKC)
operating from a base near Austin TX

Ask about TravelWithRonK PremierLimo service
in my new 'luxury' custom built Bruton trailer

private email at
web site at
group at

all animals crossing a state line must have vet inspection
papers before they can legally be transported

TravelWithRonK is dedicated to coast to coast transport of
small quantities of small livestock with over 3000 animals
transported in over 10 years of service

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