I would just like to say that I am usually the one on this list to give advice on drugs wormers etc to list members when they have a problem, but I really do not like to use them. Many times I let my girls go for a while to see if their own immune system or their own remedies will suffice if they have a problem. I believe that since our sheep are such browsers that many times they eat a certain grass or bark or leaf because they are needing that mineral or chemical in their system. I use alfalfa hay for a medicine sometimes. Nutrition cannot be beat for a first line defense.

The Guava remedy for scours is a great remedy, especially if you have an organic flock. I have mixed ground up papaya enzyme in the milk of my bottle babies when they get the scours. I would also note that with Blackbellies I use less milk replacer and more water when bottle feeding. Otherwise I get scours.

Welcome to our new list member. If you have any questions feel free to post. Someone here has had the problem or will have some ideas to help.

I am fortunate to have a veterinarian living on site so I can get "real" expert advice if necessary. After 12 years of Blackbellies and 4 bottle babies I have had a little experience. But, as with all things in nature, no one has seen it all.......

I seem to be rambling, so I guess I better go mow the fencerows before the hurricane heads up this way and it is too wet..

Cecil in OKla

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