hello everyone!

my apologies for posting a market item on a non-standard day but I have
a situation that has developed within the past 24 hours that may require
me to start the DEC/JAN transport trip in about a week from today in
order to meet time constraints on a large load

indications now are that I will need to make a west coast clockwise loop
starting from TX - the route would be TX AZ CA OR WA ID WI IA MI PA NY
OH WI IL AR KS TX - that does not totally cover all of the commitments I
have made for transport so there most likely would be some transport
after this coast to coast run but I will work that out while on the road
- I will be contacting people who have reservations along this route
privately to confirm that they can obtain vet papers ASAP but feel free
to ring my bell if you are one of these people

if you have any need to move animals along the route above please get
with me ASAP - I always need pick up city/state, drop off city/state,
and a brief description of the animals in every email please

I do not monitor the groups closely so please reply directly 
to my private email address at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Ron and Corgi co-pilot Tina
private email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
more than 2500 animals transported in 8 years of service
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