On Sun, 2005-05-15 at 09:56 -0500, Dan McGhee wrote:
> I've built a couple of pakcages recently, hplip is one, that are not in 
> the BLFS book.  They want to put bootscripts into /etc/init.d.  Of 
> course, since I've followed the direction in both LFS and BLFS :), I 
> don't have a directory like that.  On the Mandrake side of my box, 
> there's a link:
> /etc/init.d -->/etc/rc.d/init.d
> Until now I've used ' install [blah-blah]  /etc/rcd./init.d' to work 
> around this.
> Are there any "up" or "down" sides to putting this link in?

Yeah, I've noticed the Ubuntu box I use at work does the same... they
have the same structure in /etc/rc.d that LFS does, but the contents are
all mirrored with symlinks in /etc.

No real downside, apart from being untidy.


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