Hi all,

in September 2019, to get another project up and running (in which the
main component is NextCloud), I found myself working on LibreOffice Online.

This was totally a pain. The lack of any consistent documentation (until
May 5 in the INSTALL file there was just written "Left as an exercise to
the reader") was one of the biggest problems. The only way was to rely
on old blog posts found on the internet.

Another totally undocumented topic (obviously I refer to the official
documentation on wiki.documentfoundation.org) was the configuration of a
reverse proxy to work with LOOL, essential since configuring LOOL to use
a non-self signed certificate is even harder.

I experienced how the community was once helpful (e.g. addressing me to
the l10n-docker-nightly and explaining the branches) and once, let's
say, less helpful (quote from the IRC "and why do you think we
(Collabora) would want to help you in creating a competing product?").
Needless to say, this has left me stunned: certainly if I write to the
community I don't expect someone to judge if I'm able to declare a
variable in Javascript or not.

Since then, however, much has been done: Online now has at least a
decent documentation which covers the build of a stable version of the
docker container. Many information are though still missing, a reliable
evaluation of the resources needed to have a stable instance and how
many users it could serve, for example. Clustering LOOL even seems to be
an untouched topic for now (to the public, at least).

Therefore, I totally endorse Paolo's proposal. TDF should, in my
opinion, definitely release working stable binaries of online. Many many
associations out there don't have the money or simply don't need a
professional support just the same way it happens for the client version.

I even agree with Simon: deploying online is horribly hard. I've been
working on some Ansible playbook since a while and I think they could be
soon released. The aim is to provide sysadmins (even myself) an easy way
to deploy LOOL. If we have on the Docker HUB an arm64/amrhf image,
having it working on a RaspberryPi would be just a side effect.

All the best,


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